The Front was very dear to PAN


MEXICO CITY (Process) .- Designed as a "government of national salvation" – an old idea of ​​Santiago Creel, the chief advisor to presidential candidate Ricardo Anaya -, the Por México al Frente coalition began to crack with 39, before the elections on Sunday 1.

United by the distribution of nominations and positions, with the offer to change the regime through a coalition government – which is not even legally regulated – , the National Action (PAN), Revolution The Democratic Party (PRD) and the Citizen Movement (CM) have begun to take their way, for the moment through their respective internal factions.

An example of the internal conflict of allied parties is the exodus of PRDs to the Andrés project. Manuel López Obrador, the coalition candidate headed by Morena and to whom PAN members have also joined, and many who have not yet done so will challenge Anaya for control of the PA. N.

Another clear example is the disagreement over the sudden meeting of Anaya with the National Family Front (FNF) on June 19, in which he approved the agenda of this far-right group, which has generated the repudiation of leaders and feminists, as Patricia Mercado, candidate for the senator, as well as Senator Martha Tagle and Deputy Secretary Cecilia Soto.

"Under no circumstances does Movimiento Ciudadano accompany or endorse an anti-rights and ultra-conservative agenda like this one. In Congress, we will be a dam to prevent it from going forward, "said Tagle, candidate for the position of federal deputy.

Patricia Mercado also dismissed what 's about. Anaya had signed: "The Por México al Frente coalition will not adopt the Frente Nacional proposal for the Family On the platform signed by the three parties did not include abortion and equal marriage, so everyone is free to express their positions or listen to whoever they want. "

And MC deputy Jorge Álvarez Máynez emphasized the commitments of Anaya:" Not like that. So never. "

Divergences were exacerbated after Anaya twice postponed the meeting she had proposed to the coalition, which she finally canceled.

But on the 14th of the same month, there was already Lucía Riojas, of the Iniciativa Ahora initiative and PAN multi-candidate candidate, celebrated the approval in Argentina of the decriminalization of abortion. [19659002"InArgentinatheyhavereacheditandinMexicowewillgetthereWearegoingforlegalabortionalreadyalloverthecountry"hetweetedandreceivedimmediatelytheanswerofEverardoPadillauntilrecentlyPANyouthsecretary[19659011] "I remind you that you are a federal candidate. , a party which in its principles defends the life of conception to natural death. If your beliefs are different, you should not have accepted this space, "he complains in Riojas.

Álvarez Máynez, MP for MC, answers and responds to Padilla:

" I remind you that Laura Riojas is a candidate for Ahora and your agenda. The matches are a vehicle. And neither you nor anyone else will tell another member of the Front for Mexico what rights he has the freedom to fight and why not.

Carlos Lara, National Advisor for the Jalisco PAN and perhaps the only PAN expert in culture, added: "No, it's not the PRI or Brunette, it's something Worse: a mass of opportunists who do not distinguish between doctrine and ideology. They are embarrassing. "

And, as Senator Roberto Gil Zuarth asserted, the coalition led by Anaya distorted the PAN and did not even give her vote.

What was clear on Sunday 1" The PAN was very expensive for everything we gave to MC and PRD. I would have liked to fool myself, but I do not consider the Front as a unified parliamentary force. They will take the road immediately PRD and MC. "

Explain:" Part of the PRD will knock on López Obrador's door or even join Morena. I also see with great concern that MC is going to be a stable ally of the new government, because it will have Jalisco and a few places that they will want to keep with a good relationship with the government, and will have all the incentives for abandon the PAN "

And provides:" We will have a bench that does not represent us in terms of the votes we have reached, because we have given them districts and positions in the Senate that we should not have had give way, because the majority force in the country was the PAN. We gave up a lot of things, we gave a lot of candidates thinking that they were going to give us that or 11% that they were fed up with insisting that that implied the sum of those two parties.

Véhément, he asks, "Where are these 8 and 11? %? The election, in terms of accounts, ended with the PAN in the same place as in November 2016: neither Anaya has brought a single vote to the PAN nor the Front has brought a single vote at the NAP. We are left with the hard vote of PAN! "

Personal Ambition

This" hard vote, "says Gil Zuarth, could have been the platform for winning this election if we had bet on us, as Carlos Castillo Peraza put it , instead of building fronts solely motivated by personal ambitions: "The ambition of a candidacy in Jalisco (for Enrique Alfaro), the personal ambition of a candidacy in Mexico City (for Alejandra Barrales), the personal ambition of some candidates for the Senate and the personal ambition of the presidential candidacy (for Anaya). "

Concludes:" Who won? Those who traded this supposed support , which gave rise to no vote, those who played with the hope of adding votes to the PAN but they remained with the candidacies. </ p> <BR> <BR> <BR> There is the balance of the Front : he had no story, he had no voice and he scrambled the PAN. "

In fact, although in the coalition agreement the majority of the candidates for the positions of majority MPs were for the PAN -136-, it gave 100 to the PRD and 48 to the CM, and added to the plurinominal cases, for For example , Riojas, Paulo Díez Gargari and Carlos Morales, of Iniciativa Ahora

In total, he has now managed five candidatures for the deputies and three for the senator in Mexico City, with Emilio Álvarez Icaza Longoria, with Rogelio Gómez Hermosillo as he substitutes, and to Morelos José Álvarez Icaza, brother of Emilio, only by Movimiento Ciudadano, and Leticia Cuesta Madrigal, compañero of formula of the expriista Antonio Astiazarán in Sonora.

The PAN has also yielded the second place of its multi-member list in the Senate to former government leader Miguel Ángel Mancera, only behind Josefina Vázquez Mota and in the place of Luis Felipe Bravo Mena, former president of this party, could not enter.

On 26 March, when they concluded an agreement with Anaya, Emilio Álvarez Icaza warned: "From his autonomy and independence, he will now be part of a legislative front, under the guise of external candidates and later, he will form his own parliamentary group as part of a parliamentary alliance. "

The scenario in the PRD is darker: More than recent resignations of personalities like Ifigenia Martínez and Amalia García, who were already parties López Obrador vote in states where he lost power, such as Mexico City, Morelos and Tabasco.

The electorate of the PRD also abandoned, as in the State of Mexico, Oaxaca, Veracruz and Puebla.

A disaster.

This review was published on July 3, 2018 in the issue 2174 of Proceso magazine

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