The gameplay of Anthem on E3 2018 ran on 2 GTX 1080 Ti cards


Companies are looking to excel in the most important video game events and in cases where a title is multiplatform, it is chosen to show the advances and the gameplay of the PC version, which we all know that. it is of better visual quality. This was the case of the gameplay of Anthem which was presented at E3 2018, which was already known to work on PC but which today revealed an interesting detail.

Mark Darrah, Executive Producer of Anthem revealed in his official Twitter account that the gameplay of the title shown in E3 2018 worked on a PC with 2 Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti graphics cards, which allowed a visual display in a resolution of 4K with a rate of 60 frames per second. Immediately after the release, some PC players expressed their concern about the material requirements to run Anthem on their equipment, however, Darrah himself assured that they will continue to optimize the title up to # 39, when it comes out, so there should be no fear in this regard.

The revelation of Mark Darrah regarding the gameplay of Anthem in E3 2018 was a little different from the version given by EA and Nvidia, who said the title was running on a computer with a single GTX 1080 Ti card, however, we must take into account that in some cases, developers only prepare for it. part of the ego to show off at its best to meet the expectations of the event.

Anthem will debut on PS4, Xbox One and PC on February 22, 2019 and in this link you will find more information about the upcoming BioWare title.

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