The gasoline exceeds 20 pesos before the elections


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Oaxaca, Oaxaca.- Two days before the elections, the cost of a liter of gasoline exceeded 20 pesos in Oaxaca and thus adds to the list of states in which the fuel is the most

The liter of Magna gasoline rose to 19,18 pesos, that of the premium to 20,62 and that of the diesel to 19,78 to its maximum price for the capital as of June 29, 2018, according to the application Gasoapp.


The service station that records the highest cost is that located on the Perimeter of Gasolineros Group Unidos Mi Riu SA de CV

At its lowest cost, gasoline for the case of the capital was established in 19,98 pesos the premium and 18,46 in the case of La Magna, at the gas station located at Avenida Independencia number 100.

The value of the fuel has reached one of the highest since the Energy Regulatory Commission released the November 2017 gasoline price in Oaxaca.

M ichoacán, Jalisco, Sonora and Chihuahua, since May reached 20 pesos per liter of fuel

The President of the National Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Services (Canaco Servitur), Juan Albizúa, warned that the price of gasoline could increase after the elections

The blow could be even more severe, because this year the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) has authorized a tax of 4.59 pesos on special tax on production and service.

Three years after the energy reform and eight months after the release of gasoline in Oaxaca, increases continue unstoppable, in less than a week fill a gas tank with 50 liters premium increased by 36.50 pesos compared to November, one day before publication, the cumulative increase was 143.00 pesos

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