The generation of 43 graduate graduates at Ayotzinapa


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Ayotzinapa, Tixtla – Those who arrived at the graduation this Friday are because that night, on September 26, 2014, they were able to run, hide, because they dodged a ball. They graduate because they are survivors because they did not kill them, they do not disappear, they are not in a coma

But there is no 42 of this generation (plus a generation already gone) and one in a coma.

This Friday, the esplanade of normal Ayotzinapa was a hotbed of emotions, feelings, everything was destabilized: sadness was joy and joy was sadness. There were sometimes smiles and other tears.

74 students achieved their goals: they became teachers and, perhaps, in the hope of their families. Another 46, policemen and gunmen prevented him. This Friday graduated this generation of young people who were attacked on the night of the 26th and early morning of September 27, 2014 in Iguala, Guerrero. The municipal police, the federal police and the alleged assassins of the group Guerreros Unidos shot them, detained them, disappeared them, killed them. Because? I still do not know. They say that the young people took the wrong bus. The truth is that this Friday has not reached its graduation.

Neither the mothers and fathers of disappeared normalistas . These women and men who have put their lives forward to see their children again. One of the few social leaders who arrived at the ceremony explains that the parents did not want to come across a scene where their children were absent. They would not stand it.

He clung to his dream. Of the 74 who graduated was Enrique Diego García 29 years old, with two children, hanging on to his dream: to be a rural teacher in the normal of Ayotzinapa. He was one of the 150 youths who were attacked that night in Iguala, he was saved by chance and because in the middle of the attacks he ran. That night, remember, in the bus terminal of Estrella Blanca, in Iguala, his companions closed the door of the two Costaline buses that they had taken and he did not go out. had no choice but to join the Red Star unit. Later, it was identified as the "fifth bus".

This truck headed for the South Ring Road and when they were almost gone, the federal police stopped them. They threatened to kill them if they did not abandon him. They fled, before seeing how the Golden Star truck was shot down in front of them, at least 13 of their comrades were kidnapped.

Remember that they ran and hid in the mountains, but the police saw them and started to follow them. . They ran again. After a while, Iguala police patrols filled with agents and armed civilians arrested them. They ran again while being shot. They dodged the bullets. They could hide until a woman opened the door of their home. She was attentive because she was expecting her son, who was part of the Iguala team that had faced that night the Hornets. They left until six o'clock in the morning and went to the public prosecutor's office .

Enrique Diego evaluated what was happening when he saw the Ayotzinapa normal enter the coffins of his three companions murdered He may have been one of them, he mused. Fear has invaded; He decided to resign 15 days later, when he saw on television the protests and lies that the government was launching. He decided to come back to help find his missing companions.

Now, Enrique is out of the ordinary, but everything is incomplete: half of the race was spent in wrestling and the other half in the classrooms. He says that he does not feel fully prepared, so he will study a master's degree. In a few days he will know the result of the exam to reach his place at Irapuato, because he already wants to teach, so, he says, he has so resisted.

The weight makes us bend. "We have an accumulation of mixed feelings, they see us sad looking at the ground do not think badly, the weight makes us bend, fortunately our feet and our dignity are firm", says Octavio Castillo the graduate student to give the words of the generation.

That to maintain the feet and firm dignity, has long been the challenge of Ayotzinapa. In Guerrero, he has a long history of repression against her. There have been many young people killed, even the disappearance of the 43 is the most deadly blow that he has received. In 2011, when they killed two on the sun's highway, it was thought that nothing could be overcome.

This Friday closed a cycle: the generation that materialized the tragedy in Mexico was withdrawn, did incomplete, 46 young people did not reach it and, worse still , 43 do not know anything

A cycle has been closed, but not history, fathers and mothers are waiting for their children, the truth and justice. They hope that one day they will also graduate.

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