The giant fish eats the shark


Mexico City /

One of the most feared predators of the ocean is the shark. But what happens when a species, considered minor, suddenly devours the king of the sea with a single mouthful?

A few days ago, the Florida Tourism Fishing Society Everglades Fishing published in which a huge grouper swallowed a shark while making a visit of Gulf from Mexico .

In the photos you see when the shark swims around the boat and suddenly a huge fish comes out and devours it completely

People around him shout with astonishment that the fishermen professionals struggle to recover the fishing rod.

The company reported that it was a grouper of about 220 kilograms that caught the shark .

The grouper is one of the largest fishes that inhabit the Gulf of Mexico and usually lives in warm, tropical places and the Mexican government maintains temporary closures to regulate the fishing of this species in national waters.


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