The Government of India has no record of the marriage between the man and the girl


MALAYSIA, India – The marriage of an 11-year-old girl with a 41-year-old man caused an uproar in Malaysia and sparked international outrage

. An image of the girl in the hand of her new husband, Che Abdul Karim, after her marriage was widely broadcast on the Internet, was the catalyst for anger in the Muslim-majority country.

The boyfriend already has two women and six children aged five to 18, according to local media reports

According to these media, l the parents of the bride, with few resources, accepted the marriage on the condition that he lived with them until the age of 16 years. The groom is a scrap dealer who has a better economic situation.

Che Abdul Karim defended his actions, claiming that he had not escaped and had married her with the permission of his family. "I was disappointed by several criticisms and charges against me on social media after taking my third wife," ABC said.

UNICEF Representative in Malaysia Marianne Clark-Hattingh said: "It's shocking and unacceptable and it's not in the best interest of the girl. It is a violation of their rights. "

The legal minimum age of marriage in Malaysia is 18. However, girls can get married at the age of 16 with the permission of the Prime Minister of the United States. State, while Islamic law establishes a minimum age of 16 for girls and even authorizes Sharia court marriages

. Malaysia has no record of marriage and has launched an investigation The ceremony would have taken place in Thailand

According to Unicef, child marriage is declining worldwide but the charity estimates that 21% of women aged 20 to 24 years were married when they were girls.Most of the children's wives are found in Southeast Asia.

According to zó in several eastern countries, marriage does not occur. is not given for love but for agreements between families, that are made before the birth of children. It is established that when they reach a certain age, they must marry; What is strange is that they do not reach 18 years old, that is, they are still babies when they have to get married.

Many of these children who have to play the role of adult do not even know the couple who was named to get married, for this reason, "love" is conditioned.

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