The hand of man has evolved to be able to eat marrow


Agency DPA

Force needed to access the high caloric content of the bone of the marrow – also known as of marrow – nurture, could be the key to the evolution of the human hand and explain the differences with that of primates.

In an article of The Journal of Human Evolution a team led by Professor Tracy Kivell of the University of Kent concludes that although the manufacture of stone tools has always been considered a key influence in the evolution of human hand access food to the bone marrow generally not.

It is widely accepted that the unique dexterity of the human hand ] evolved at least in part, in response to the use of stone entas tools during of our evolutionary history.

Archaeological evidence suggests that early hominids performed a variety of activities related to tools, such as cutting meat, breaking bone to access the marrow and making tools for stone However, it It is unlikely that all these behaviors also influenced the modern anatomy of the human hand .

To understand the impact of these different actions on the evolution of human hands the researchers measured the force exerted by the hand of 39 individuals during

different activities with stone tools – crush nuts, extract the marrow with a hammer and produce flakes with a hammer – determine which fingers were the most important to handle the tool.

They found that the pressures varied according to the activities, and that the access to the cordon required the greatest pressure. In all activities, the thumb, forefinger and cordial were always the most important fingers. Professor Kivell says that this suggests that access to the bone marrow could have a key influence on the anatomy of our hand, because of the high stress that it causes.

The researchers concluded that bone marrow consumption, given its added benefit of a high calorific value, could also have played a key role in the evolution of human dexterity.



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