The heroine behind Marvel



In a male dominated film industry, the presence of Victoria Alonso, a latina, mother and homosexual who, since 2006, has been involved in the Marvel film world, stands out. (MCM), first at the head of the visual effects department and for three years as executive vice president of physical production at Marvel Studios. This woman, who is one of the heads of this millionaire superhero label with Kevin Feige, president of Marvel, and Louis D 'Esposito, his co-president, has always battled for having more and more female presence in the industry, at the same time who advocated making movies with more inclusive stories.

"Women tend to think that if we have a certain position, we still have to show that we can maintain it.I can not conceive of this idea! If you have a job, you are already there, 39. Is yours.Men do not do it, they have nothing to prove.We must be sure of what it is.I am just happy to be who I am and I I do not want to be alone in this industry, I want to be the first of many women working in Hollywood, not the first and only one, "said 52-year-old Victoria Alonso. The woman who left her first imprint on the MCM as a co-producer of Iron Man exactly ten years ago came to our country a few days ago to promote Ant-Man and the Wasp twentieth film of the MCM that was created this weekend in our country. In this film, starring Paul Rudd, the female presence is evident in strategic roles like the case of The Wasp, played by Evangeline Lilly, a scientist, played by Michelle Pfeiffer and the villain, played by the British Hannah John -Kamen

At this female presence within Ant-Man and Wasp, will soon be added the work of the Oscar, Brie Larson, as protagonist of Capitana Marvel ] as well as that of Scarlett Johansson as protagonist of The Black Widow which will be ready in the years to come.

"Indeed, more women are coming in and the fact that they are now is not a matter of law. it's something we've been talking about for a long time. We are in a very important moment of change. For us (Marvel), the bridge between talking and doing sometimes translates into two months or, sometimes, eight years. Everything we do is very strategic in the system, because our stories have a very special way of presenting the characters.

The Movie Avengers: The Infinite War (The Avengers: The Infinite War) is a culmination of what we were doing and there, people realize we have more characters who are female. However, we have always had details of what we have done and changed in our stories to talk about women, "she told Function the producer, who supported Anna Boden in co- management with Ryan Fleck Marvel .

Regarding the element of inclusion, Alonso is proud and excited to have been behind Black Panther a movie starring Chadwick Boseman that was created five years ago month and that raised in the international box office just over a thousand 346 million dollars. For her, this project and that of Captain Marvel will be the legacy that she will leave to her seven year old daughter, who she had with his wife Imelda Corcoran.

"I continue to say that if I leave something my daughter's inheritance is Black Panther and Captain Marvel . For me, these two films redefine who we are , how can people see the superheroes and how people can see, in a way, the treatment of society by some groups.I think that is the big change.The most important about these films is that they are good.I insist, I believe that it is a moment of relevance, where there is unity and inclusion. "

Regarding the presence of Michelle Pfeiffer in Ant-Man and Wasp Victoria Alonso said that she and the work team were joking about the possibility that she would join the world of Marvel and, after so much desire, they had the yes of the actress, who was 60 years old.

"The theme of the family has always been for me very important because no matter what type of family we have, the essential thing is that they are fighting to be together and this is sees in Ant-Man Michelle Pfeiffer is a dream for us When we were making the first film of Ant-Man, everyone at Marvel said that it was a joke that Michael Douglas, looking at the portrait of his wife in the living room, was looking at Michelle Pfeiffer, we said, "We have to put Michelle's picture." Evangeline Lilly said the same thing, that Pfeiffer must be his mother. It was just a joke and we never thought the lady would say yes, so it was a dream come true, "he concluded.

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