The "hot water challenge" leaves another young man seriously injured


Kyland Clark has second degree burns to the head, back and chest after a friend threw a boiling liquid on him when he was sleeping.

In the photo, one of the people who practices the challenge. Screenshot YouTube

The challenges in social networks are not something new. There are creatives like the Mannequin Challenge in which people present themselves as statues. Also those who have a fundraising campaign such as Ice bucket challenge that was born to support patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. But there are others that, more than a challenge, imply a health risk to those who practice it.

In this case, one of these dangerous challenges, called the hot water challenge (the challenge of hot water), caused serious injury to a 15 year old young man from Indianapolis, USA

Read more: "Hot Water Challenge", the dangerous viral challenge that encourages the body to burn itself

] After seeing the challenge videos in the networks, a friend of Kyland Clark thought of pouring him hot liquid while he was sleeping. This caused young second degree burns on the head, chest and back.

After the accident, Clark, to reverse and relieve the burns, poured cold water to him. However, the effect was the detachment of the skin from his face, back and chest.

The young man is hospitalized while waiting for his recovery and his skin regains its natural color.

Because of what happened to him, Clark's parents warn of the danger of this practice that has already cost the life of a child under 8 years old in 2017 It is the daughter Ki 'ari Pope who drank boiling water and did not survive. His family also warned of the risks of not monitoring the content that children see on the Internet. In this case, Pope was challenged by his cousins ​​to do so.

Other young people who practiced the hot water challenge suffered severe burns. Another case similar to Clark happened to Jamoneisha Merritt, 11, who, while sleeping in a slumber party, threw hot water. For this, the culprit of pouring the liquid was sentenced to 18 months of probation.

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