"The House of Flowers": 10 curiosities on the set of the hit series Netflix Trade | Television | Series


The series of Netflix who parodies the telenovelas and which proved to be a success confirmed two more seasons. That's why followers of "The house of flowers" They speculate on the return of Veronica Castro on the next installment.

However, while the day of the premiere of the second season of "The house of flowers", We reveal some details about what happened during the shoot, with information extracted from El Universal de México.

1) Verónica Castro I did not know that his character smoked marijuana and confessed that he had taken some situations by surprise. Although she does not agree with certain characteristics of her character, her children have encouraged her to continue her interpretation.

2) During the recording of the first season of "The house of flowers", Aislin Derbez I was pregnant, which was a challenge for the actress and the team to hide it.

3) The slowness of Paulina de La Mora's words and cut-outs was not ruled out from the beginning, but Cecilia Suárez saw her during the shooting with Manolo Caro and they dared to capture her.

4) Cecilia Suárez It is forbidden to speak like Paulina de la Mora apart from the recordings for the politics of Netflix

5) Verónica Castro She was chosen by the entire team as the most humble person, as she shared with all the members and told them about her experience as an artist. She also played a joke or joke from time to time.

6) The kiss of Julian and Diego in a sports shop was recorded twice because, in the first place, the store declared not wanting their brand to be associated with a kiss with two men and the director revealed the situation in their networks. social.

7) The Millennials are the group that has most reproduced the series and have agreed to it via social networks for the inclusion of LGTBI characters.

8) Verónica Castro He did not want to sign for the following seasons, as he considers Virginia of Mora has already shown everything he could during the first delivery.

9) Transgender people have adopted as motto a phrase that says María José (Paco León) in one of the episodes of the series: "I changed my sex, not my heart".

10) Virginia of Mora during an episode says, "If you want to leave a man … investigate him!". These words were dedicated by María Félix to Verónica Castro during an interview a few years ago.

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