The IACHR calls on the United States to suspend the death penalty for a Mexican who murdered his family


November 01, 2018

He asked the United States to suspend the execution of the Mexican, scheduled for November 14, 2018 in the state of Texas.

Photo: Notimex

Roberto Moreno Ramos, born in the state of Aguascalientes, was convicted of the murder of his wife Leticia, aged 42; his daughter Abigail, age 7, and son Jonathan, age 3, with a hammer at his home in Progreso, Rio Grande Valley, United States, for crimes committed in 1992.

In this case, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) urged the United States to suspend the execution of the Mexican trial, scheduled for November 14, 2018 in the state of Texas, and to grant an effective remedy.

"The United States is subject to international obligations under the Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man since joining the OAS in 1951. Accordingly, the IACHR urges the United States, and in particular the State of Texas, to fully respect their international human rights obligations, "he said. declared.

In a statement, the IACHR said that on November 8, 2002, the IACHR granted interim measures in favor of Roberto Moreno Ramos, asking the United States to take measures to preserve his life while waiting for him. Commission investigation into the allegations contained in his complaint. .

On October 10, 2003, the IACHR adopted the admissibility report No. 61/03. On January 28, 2005, the Commission adopted Merit Report No. 1/05, in which it found that the United States was responsible for violating the rights of equality before the law, due process and trial. fair in respect of the criminal proceedings that led to the imposition of the death penalty on Roberto Moreno Ramos.

In this report, the IACHR concluded that if the State executes it in accordance with the criminal process in question, it would commit a serious and irreparable violation of the fundamental right to life guaranteed in article 1 of the Declaration. US.

In addition, the IACHR recommended that the United States grant Roberto Moreno Ramos an effective remedy, including a new sentencing hearing, in accordance with the guarantees of equality, fair trial and fair trial provided for in the Declaration. American law, including the right to representation. Despite having made this recommendation in 2005, the State has taken no steps to comply with it.

The IACHR held a working meeting on the Roberto Moreno Ramos case between the United States and the petitioner on 2 October 2018, during its 169th session, during which the Commission issued an urgent appeal to the State so that it ceases its execution. and comply with the recommendations of the IACHR.

The Inter-American Commission reminds the state that in executing Roberto Moreno Ramos, it will commit a serious and irreparable violation of the fundamental right to life enshrined in Article 1 of the American Declaration. In addition, this means that the state has not respected the recommendations of the IACHR, an action that goes against the international human rights obligations of the United States. as a member state of the OAS under the OAS Charter and other related instruments.

The Commission also urged the United States to comply with the non-repetition measures recommended in the report on the merits. The United States should review its laws, procedures and practices to ensure that aliens arrested or imprisoned or held in custody pending trial or otherwise detained in the United States are promptly notified of their presence. right to information on consular assistance and that, with the approval of the person concerned, the competent consulate be informed without delay of the situation abroad.

In addition, the United States should ensure that defendants in capital punishment proceedings are not denied the right to effectively appeal to a court or tribunal competent to challenge the jurisdiction of the United States. their lawyer on the grounds that the case is not tainted. planted in an earlier phase of the process against him.

The Inter-American Commission has regarded the death penalty as a crucial challenge to human rights for decades. Although the majority of OAS member states have abolished the death penalty, a substantial minority maintain it.

Reiterate the recommendation contained in its report The death penalty in the inter-American human rights system: from the restriction to abolition, states impose a moratorium on executions, which is a step toward the death penalty. 39, progressive abolition of the death penalty.

In this regard, the Commission welcomes the abolition of the death penalty in the state of Washington on October 11, 2018, following a decision of the Washington Supreme Court which ruled that the death penalty was applied arbitrarily and on the basis of: racial prejudices.

The decision resulted in the commutation of the life sentence of the eight persons currently on death row.

Washington State has become the twelfth state to ban the death penalty in the country. This is an important step because the United States is currently the only OAS member state to execute executions on pain of death.

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