The IACHR calls on the US report on migrant children separated from their families


In response to the request for provisional measures promoted by the National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH), the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) requested to the United States Information on the location and the treatment that gave migrant children and adolescents who were ] separated from their families as well as what they will do to reunite them again .

The IACHR made a formal request to the government of President Donald Trump on June 22. , in order to know in detail the situation in which migrant minors who have been separated from their families are part of the anti-immigrant measures promoted by this country.

Data required on the whereabouts of minors, treatment They were given after they were removed to their loved ones and to explain how the reunification process that they will put in place to bring them together will take place with their families.

This happens after the CNDH and other institutions National human rights commissions will ask the IACHR for precautionary measures that force the United States to stop separating children and adolescents migrants from their families and to take the necessary measures to protect their rights to personal integrity, health, family and individual freedom, in relation to the rights of children.

For the CNDH, the request of the Inter-American Commission represents "a strategic step in the protection of migrant children and adolescents, being a step to obtain the precautionary measures requested. "

As part of the process, the IACHR asked the national body and other institutions. It stressed that" the participation of the Inter-American Commission is essential to deal with the plight of girls, boys and girls. and young people, migrant adolescents separated from their families, this formal request for information represents a positive step towards the provision, where appropriate, of precautionary measures that protect the rights of migrant families in the United States. of America. "

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