The IACHR urges an end to arrests


Managua.- The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) urged the State of Nicaragua to cease the repression and arbitrary arrests that took place in the context of the socio-political crisis that has reached nearly 300 people since April 18th.

"It is urgent and imperative to stop the repression and arbitrary detentions, as well as the new forms of violations that are identified," asked Antonia Urrejola, rapporteur for Nicaragua at the IACHR, when asked. she announced Urrejola also lamented the lack of respect for the precautionary measures against the threatened people and reiterated to the State of Nicaragua the importance of complying with the recommendation to guarantee life, l & 39; integrity and safety of all people. that they manifest and exercise their public rights and freedoms and suffer the consequences of the repressive environment.

The IACHR also resulted in the death of 18 people "who reportedly died violently in the context of the current repression and multiple injuries" during the first week of work of the Special Follow-up Mechanism for Nicaragua (Meseni), which accompanies the national dialogue, whose objective is to overcome the crisis in Nicaragua

The 18 people died between 24 and 30 June, when the Meseni began its mission in Nicaragua.

The IACHR acknowledged that the government of Daniel Ortega "has advanced" by respecting three of its 15 recommendations for the respect of human rights, such as the creation of an interdisciplinary group of experts. independent experts (GIEI-Nicaragua), by inviting the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), and to accept Messeni's presence.

Relatives of detainees in protests against President Daniel Ortega received delegates from the IACHR who yesterday entered the El Chipote maximum security prison in Managua to check the situation of the prisoners.

The mission of the IACHR met with the prison authorities, at whose doors dozens of people demand the release of detainees every day.

Commissioner Antonia Urrejola stated that the detainees are doing well and that the prison authorities have promised to allow the visit of the family members.

Meanwhile, two security guards were killed during a shootout. in a municipality in the Pacific region, the national police reported yesterday.

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