The IMSS collaborates with research of nurses who sell organs


The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) reported that his delegation in Chihuahua will continue to collaborate with the Attorney General's Office to clarify the charges against the nurse Jorge Alberto "N" , who provided her services in an entity clinic and is accused of selling places, organs and committing murders.

Through an information card, the IMSS assured that he was best prepared to continue providing information to the relevant authorities in this case. "The IMSS Delegation in Chihuahua reiterates its willingness (as reported since 3 July) to continue to provide the information required by the State Attorney General's Office in its investigation, with the aim of unload the charges contained in the investigation file against a nurse, who provided services at an entity clinic, "reported.

El Universal published that a pes Jorge Alberto "N" worked as an auxiliary nurse at the General Hospital Morelos had an "unusual" power when marketing the premises and organs for transplants; activities that allowed him to obtain resources to buy luxury cars.

When the nurse could not complete the agreement with her clients, he made the decision to kill them. Up to now the authorities say that the man would have committed at least seven homicides.

In addition to collaborating with the judicial authorities, the IMSS reported that this weekend revoked the employment contract. from Jorge Alberto "N", in addition to initiating an internal investigation to clarify when there are more staff involved in the sale of vacancies.


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