The IMSS nurse is detained, linked to a family homicide in Chihuahua


On June 30, five members of one family were shot dead at their home in the Residencial Universidad neighborhood of Chihuahua City; only one child under the age of two survived the attack

A few days later, the Chihuahua prosecutor's office arrested a suspect in multiple homicide.

This is Jorge Alberto Ceballos, assistant nurse of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in the city of Chihuahua, who allegedly sold organs for transplants and workplaces in the institution, but when he could not keep his promise, he killed his victims.

According to the survey, Jorge Alberto Ceballos offered him to the murdered family one of the first places on the waiting list for kidney transplants in exchange for half a year. million pesos.

He is a person who used an argument to try to surprise a group of people and to try their Caesar Augusto Peniche, Attorney General of Chihuahua.

However, the Office of the Prosecutor found no evidence

So far, we have not found that, of course, we do not rule out, but we have not found an implication of this magnitude, in fact, the subject that concerns him or what has been treated as the subject

The Office of the Prosecutor has also found evidence in connection with the process of Assassination of nurse Laura Soto, murdered in December 2017 and who promised a job.

Your eventual participation in the murder of a nurse, that is to say the one that is judicially, we also have a fraud that is also duly brought before the judiciary, we will continue to work and of course , we will see if it can be established his involvement in other homicides ", reiterated the Attorney General of Chihuahua.

The prosecutor's office is continuing the investigation to find more evidence against the Jorge Alberto Ceballos, who allegedly committed other crimes in Chihuahua and is currently in prison in the state capital.

They kill the director of the Bocoyna Municipal Police, Chihuahua

Bocoyna Municipal Police Director, Chihuahua, Alejandro Eder González, accompanied by an officer, was shot dead by at least six heavily armed men who surprised them in front of the municipal police headquarters .

Six armed men arrived and shot 38-year-old police chief Alejandro Eder González.

They then burst into the scene and murdered the radio operator, identified as Roberto Carrasco, 40, killed on the back of the command

Félix Gonzalez, spokesman of the prosecutor's office The Chihuahua justice in the western zone, reported that the attackers They arrived in a van and all wore military clothes and were carrying rifles.

After the attack, they fled with other armed men waiting in five vans.

On July 3, he was shot dead Gerardo Amarillas Gastelum, former commander of the ministerial police and former director of the municipal police of Ahome in Los Mochis, Sinaloa

The first was in a fruit restaurant located on Manuel Clouthier Boulevard of the Viñedos Subdivision.

Yellow Gastelum died in the kitchen of the place.

Police authorities have implemented an operation without being held responsible up to this point.

At the place arrived the District Sinaloa North District Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry. Audience to attest facts.

Gerardo Amarillas held the position of Director of Public Security from December 2013 to December 2017.

See also: Six men killed in a house in Chihuahua

With Information of Francisco Javier Carmona


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