The INE begins the final count of the votes of the election day (Video)


CITY OF MEXICO (appr) .- At 20 o'clock on Wednesday, the National Electoral Institute (INE) gave the initial signal to the official count of the federal elections of July 1, with a historical recount of the electoral packages, equivalent to 73.98% in the case of the presidential election.

The procedure, detailed in the INE General Council, will also include the recount of 76.01% of the parliamentary electoral packages, 76.70% of the senators and will be held in the 300 district councils, in the presence of representatives of all candidates.

The percentages, said the INE executive secretary, Edmundo Jacobo Molina, could be increased if it were decided by the district councilors, with the following parameters established in article 311 of the Law general of electoral institutions and procedures:

When the difference between the winner and the second place is equal to or less than a po rcentual point; when the results of the count and the count of the record do not coincide with the results of the minutes of the chairman of the district council or the representatives of the parties; when obvious alterations are detected in the minutes that generate doubts as a function of the result; when there is no record of examination and calculation; when there are obvious errors or inconsistencies in the different elements of the minutes; when the number of invalid votes is greater than the difference between first and second place or when all the votes cast have been in favor of the same political party.

INE President, Lorenzo Cordova Vianello, warned that the calculation process, which must be completed on Saturday 7, is key to the definition of the election, since the figures for the quick account and the PREP have a preliminary legal character.

However, he criticized the electoral legislation which, for the first time Once launched in this election, it forces the authority to open the largest electoral packages in the history of mistrust.

"Today, we are witnessing a paradox, which is the cost of mistrust: a presidential election that, although, based on preliminary data, has been resolved with a margin of distance between the first and second place that has not been seen in nearly 40 years, "said Cordova Vianello

lamented:" In Mexico, votes are counted twice, because of mistrust. They are counted by impartial citizens, chosen at random, then counted by election officials again under the supervision of political parties because citizens are not trustworthy. Do you know what will happen? It should be noted that citizens do their job well. I think it's time we start rethinking the cost and weariness of this mistrust. "

In the same vein, the councilor Ciro Murayama Rendón said that the recount is based on suspicion of election officials, and declared his disagreement with the account involving 114 thousand of the 156 thousand 800 boxes approved for the year. Election.

"Forgive me but it is nonsense that allows the law. It's a lack of respect for the citizens who were in the boxes, from early morning until dawn who are doing their job. We have a difference depending on the quick count, between the lowest rank of the winner and the high rank of the second place, of 30.2 percentage points. And even so, we will put the district councils to tell 74 percent of the packages. The norm is wrong. It is useless and inhuman to count in these terms, "condemned Murayama Rendón

To close the paradox, Horacio Duarte Olivares, the representative before the INE of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who s' is historically beaten for the opening, has been pronounced in the same direction.From the unanimity with which political parties and authorities have recognized the magnitude of the advantage of López Obrador, Duarte asked the councilors to "skip the law" in the recount of the presidential election as follows:

"Without overthrowing the legal order, because it is not a question of skip what the law establishes, which sets the standard. Say very clearly that boards have this power to point out that the final definition of openness corresponds to the college district body, so that in the work of district councils, there is this evaluation of this issue and of course, I insist, keep the right we have the parties on the issue of the election of deputies and senators. It is a complex issue where it obviously places us in a situation where the results are clear, one more vote, one less vote, both in political definitions, in what has been said. raised in the quick account, in the mechanisms of the PREP, and it seems to me that there will be no change, I say, on the fundamental question of who won the first place in the 39, presidential election, "said the representative of Morena.

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