The INE confirms a fine of 197 CDM to Morena for "fraud" in trust for 19-S; the party will go to TEPJF


CITY OF MEXICO (appr) .- The General Council of the National Electoral Institute (INE) ruled that Morena incurred in a "fraud to the law" for the constitution of the trust "For the rest", Andrés Manuel López Obrador promised the victims of earthquakes last September, and confirmed the fine of 197 million pesos that his Control Commission proposed as a penalty.

From an investigation initiated by a PRI complaint, which accused Morena of misappropriating funds the electoral authority determined that an illegal and opaque parallel funding scheme was created, which has violated the legal impossibility of directly allocating resources to the population, as was the case. prescribes the fifth part of article 209 of the General Law on Institutions and Electoral Procedures (LEGIPE).

"We are dealing with a behavior that has a name:" It is a violation of the law, and the fraud still involves fraud, "said Councilor Ciro Murayama, chairman of the monitoring committee.

He explained: "This is not an isolated irregular behavior, but a parallel financing system. An authorized figure is incorporated, a trust, but the obligation to inform the authority and the end of this trust is neglected, to give money to the people, c & # 39; is illegal for a party.

"Later it feeds on resources in its largely forbidden origin – as they are of unknown origin and those of corporations – and then the money is taken out in cash without a trace , which is contrary to the lawful management of partisan finances ", argues Murayama

.The body of control recalled that it would have been financed with 78.8 million pesos, of which 44.4 million with "atypical" cash deposits.

"No party may manage opaque funds whose source is not known and only the resource is valid, private that they provide with natural persons However, the opposite has occurred here, as it is documented with bank deposit slips, with complete evidence of an irregular modus operandi to take hold of it. money of unknown origin to the trust

"The transactions were carried out es with a difference of seconds almost always for 50 thousand pesos, in which 44% of these resources are deposited in a few days in a few days, "said Mr. Murayama and warned that, given the impossibility of following who is behind the cash deposits, as investigated by the Office of the Special Prosecutor for the Attention of Electoral Crimes (FEPADE) of the Prosecutor General's Office (PGR).

The Evidence

In his defense, the argument of the representation of Morena before the INE was that "For others" is a private trust, funded with private resources, without electoral implications, that the authority has rejected, essentially, with the following Elements:

Videos in which Andrés Manuel López Obrador himself commits himself to donate money. a percentage between 20% and 50% of the resources that he gets for the expenses of his election campaign; the approval of the trust at the September 23 meeting of the Morena National Council; the conformation of the latter with the tax domicile of the party and under the protection of a Technical Committee represented almost in its majority by figures closely related to the party, as well as the reference to the advances of confidence that Tabasco itself same did during the first presidential debate.

It was also documented that 56 members of Morena made contributions to the trust and that 80% of those who received the money were members of that party.

However, Horacio Duarte, Morena's representative before the INE General Council, defended the trust and accused the Institute's directors of having operated to harm the party in favor of the party. other political institutes:

"We absolutely reject the fact that we have broken the law, and it is shameful that some of the councilors politically pushed the issue to explode before July 1. Some advisers have done so. We can assure you that we will know, but they were faced with 30 million votes in their intention to affect the electoral process, "he said, accusing Councilor Marco Antonio Baños, repeatedly linked to the member. PRI Manlio Fabio Beltrones, to blackmail.

Finally, he specified that the trust was a public initiative of the party, and not a guardianship of the same, and that they would go to the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation (TEPJF) to challenge the resolution.

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