The INE warns that it will not allow "albazo" with election results next Sunday


Mexico City – The National Institute Elections (INE) warned that it is prohibited and constitutes a crime, to broadcast polls on the election results to the Presidency ] before the 20 hours of l on July 1 as well, he warns, who disseminates them will be because they "seek to deceive and to destabilize democracy and will be punished.

advisor president of the INE, Lorenzo Cordova, claimed that the body will not tolerate that the law is violated, "the flow of incomplete information may generate l & rsquo; Uncertainty, feed speculation "and with it put Mexican democracy in a very delicate situation. "

Not to respect that" means to play against democracy, "he added.


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Whoever diffuses surveys without being a demographic signature already registered with the INE the rules, he warned, and the political actor who does not respect this prohibition, "will lack respect for citizenship"

In these delicate hours of Electoral Closing may have, he argued, the political environment, including political actors.

That is why he asked the media "to repel those who seek to spread false information, exercises that do not sound not serious and seeking to deceive and destabilize "

the 20 hours for federal elections and 18 hours for local entities, no one can broadcast exit survey results.

And being INE who before 23:00 on Sunday the publication of Quick Count results with the voting ranges of the presidential election . the presidents of the Local Electoral Organizations (OPL) of the 9 entities that will elect the local executive head will be responsible for the publication of their fast governor accounts.

They claim the rejection of investigations "patito"

press conference, Cordova was accompanied by experts of the national demonstration who warned that the broadcast of any investigation of the results before the end of the ban would most likely be a "duckling" as the guild complies with the law.

César Ortega of the Mexican Association of Market Research Agencies (AMAI), Marcelo Ortega of the Association of Demonstration and Investigation Specialists, Alejandro Moreno, assumed this commitment Jorge Buendía, Director of Buendía and Laredo, Oscar Balcázar, of the Mexican Association of Market Research Agencies, and Claudio Flores, of Lexia

who unanimously assured that they will abide by the law and will not broadcast the results of any quick account before that time and any exercise that is spreading or appears before, will be apocryphal.

INE Executive Secretary Edmundo Jacobo Molina reported that 111 polling stations notified the INE that they would proceed to the polls at the exit or rapid counts.

Of these 111 physical or legal persons, 65 expressed their intention to conduct a presidential investigation, 47 for senators for federal councils, 43 for governors 19 heads of government 72 for municipalities and town halls 31 for local councils and 13 for councilors

César Ortega, "Ag" Mexican market research agencies (AMAI) have asked serious pollsters not to hurry and that no one is in a hurry and that the wisdom also comes from competitors, avoiding confusion for citizens giving each other all the winners at the same time.

He warned citizens that in social networks, there are "messages of unidentifiable or apocryphal origin that refer to surveys of ducklings and other false news: it is important to reject them and do not contribute to their spread. 19659009] "Citizens must know that serious investigations are no longer broadcast, they have been silent since yesterday, but they can spread and exploit this information gap."

Jorge Buendía, of Buendía & Laredo, explained that the union is aware that it must contribute to certainty "and therefore the responsibility to give results only and only when we are certain that the first place is quite far from second place in statistical terms ".

"Surveys give us a possible range of results and to be able to announce the outcome of an election, it is necessary that the first and second place do not overlap with their results. intervals, their Ngos possible votes because it's a fundamental part. "

Claudio Flores, of Lexia, asked the citizens to" separate the dust from the straw "before the proliferation of fake news.

He warned that they disseminate "they are not naughty children publishing false data, they are planned efforts to deceive citizenship." (there are some) to separate the grain from the tares between those who believe in institutions and those who believe in the law. "19659009]

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