the internal division will not be allowed


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The PRI national president, Rene Juárez Cisneros, asserted that it is necessary to put the supreme interest of the party and the nation in front of any "scavenger" advantage that aims to harm this political institute .

of the PRI in the Senate, Emilio Gamboa Patrón, denied that in the party there are particular accusations for the electoral defeat that they obtained last Sunday.

At the meeting yesterday the governors PRI (except the de Sinaloa, Quirino Ordaz, Rene Juarez called for calm and maintain the unity of the party to raise it up.

PRI members met at the national headquarters of the party, after the series of internal critics and demands for change in the current leadership after the electoral defeat.

During the meeting, said René Juárez flanked by the governors, coordinated parliamentary leaders, leaders of sectors and organizations, which was established to maintain the monolithic unity and cohesion.

pointed out that the interior will begin a process of deep reflection, the same size in which citizens have given a lesson to the institutional revolutionary past July 19

And it will not be allowed, he warns, that no one will divide.

"Of this same size will be the reflection: profound and respo but it will be a calm and prudent reflection. We will not allow anyone to divide us, nor do we self-flagellate. We will do a careful, honest and thorough analysis, but an analysis that, in the end, will lead us to become united and united as a party organization. "

In the PRI, he said, all voices are respected." Welcome diversity, plurality; Welcome any idea that does not coincide with what the leadership expresses, but with one condition: that the supreme interest of the party, the supreme interest of the nation, be placed before any other interest that seeks to damage the Institutional Revolutionary Party. Activism and partisans do not deserve it, "he said.

Juárez Cisneros asked to wait until the rules of procedure were established for decision-making.

The national leader of PRI acknowledged President Enrique Peña Nieto, who also expressed respect and solidarity.

He also made reference to his presidential candidate, José Antonio Meade, whom he described as a "man of honor". State, with Commitment to the Nation

Rene Juárez Cisneros emphasized that henceforth the PRI will act as facing the nation as a responsible and constructive opposition, as one who always puts the supreme interests of the first country.

"We missed many things." Before going to the meeting with PRI leadership and governors, the coordinator of the tricolor flag in the Senate, Emilio Gamboa , denied that inside there was Meme it t private charges for Sunday's defeat.

"We have failed many things, we have failed the candidates, worked in our party, but there is no direct complaint, even today, about whoever it is. either, "he said, with information from Alejandra Canchola and Juan Arvizu

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