The International Film Festival begins in Guanajuato


GUANAJUATO, Gto.- From this Wednesday, the state capital will again be the seat of the Guanajuato International Film Festival (GIFF)

Sara Hoch, director and founder of GIFF, has said that this festival voice talent.

For four days, 242 films that participated in competitions in 80 film festivals will be screened, in addition to six teams participating in the Documentary Competition of the University Identity and Belonging.

Hoch explained that of the 25 projects submitted, six were selected, which received support for filming, producing and editing their material.

The winner of the contest will have a prize of 35 thousand pesos, the second, 30 thousand and the third 25 thousand pesos. The remaining three projects will receive recognition of ten thousand pesos.

The government of Miguel Márquez Márquez will support with air tickets those who in this year and the next will attend the various international festivals of the branch, such as that of Cannes.

Participating projects are:

Nostalgia, by Marcelo Briseño, from La Salle University

Seeking the Green, by Jair Manuel Campos, from the Irapuato Institute

Bastards Banished, Mario González, from Iberia León

Judas in the corner, Luis Ernesto Pérez, from the University of Celaya

Anita, Lucero Hernández, from EPCA

Macehua d & # Alexis Vázquez, Southwest Technological University of Guanajuato

Ana Lila Altamirano, Director of the Cinematographic Cultural Promotion of the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (Imcine), assured that the competitions contribute to the decentralization of Mexican cinema.

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