The international press highlights the success of López Obrador and the left turn in Mexico


MEXICO CITY (APR) .- Following the exit poll, media and international news agencies announced the virtual triumph of coalition candidate Juntos Haremos Historia, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as president of Mexico [19659002] In Europe, the main informational portals of Italy have brought out the leftist ideology of Tabasco

"Victoria for Lopez Obrador, the first leftist president of Mexico", the newspaper La Repubblica. He placed the news as second on the cover of his website.

"López Obrador calls for national reconciliation," said Il Corriere della Sera newspaper, which called the Mexican "left nationalist".

"López Obrador, a" messiah "from left to the control of Mexico," wrote the magazine of the subjects of heart and shows Vanity Fair Italy, and he also pointed out that the program that AMLO wore in power is "simple and generic". "With popular language, he captivated voters," added the weekly.

"Presidential elections in Mexico: overwhelming victory of leftist leader Lopez Obrador," said the news report of Mediaset, the family channel of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

"Progressive anti-Trump president won," said Avvenire, the newspaper of Italian bishops, referring to the president of the United States. And the tabloid Today said: "Mexico: the left reappears."

The triumph of Morena's candidate also provokes reactions in the community of Italian intellectuals, especially among the most progressive. "Tildan to López Obrador as a populist Lie! AMLO is a former social democrat who has been working for decades alongside the working classes," said Gennario Carotenuto, researcher and professor of history at the University of Macerata

. it has not yet provoked a reaction in the Italian government led by the 5-Star Movement and the xenophobic League.

The PRI sinks

The Spanish press, almost entirely, tackled the triumph of Tabasco, especially the newspaper El País, which opened its Mexican edition with the title: "The victory of Lopez Obrador takes power left in Mexico. "

A report by journalist Jacobo García ("I never thought of it as an opportunity") giving the floor to the supporters of the winning candidate who were celebrating in the Zócalo de Mexico.

The newspaper that runs today Soledad Gallegos has offered a wide coverage live through its website and its social networks. Due to the closing time, the Spanish edition did not include information on the cover.

He contrasted this editorial line with which the media maintained in the elections 2006 and 2012, when he was very critical of López Obrador, still in the Cebrián era. . In 2012, under the direction of Javier Moreno then Antonio Caño, he made a public tender offer for Enrique Peña Nieto, which was later reflected in his editorial line.

The main text, signed by Javier Lafuente, emphasizes that "for the first time One day, a seasoned politician, who looks to the left, will lead the world's largest Spanish-speaking country, the second largest economy in the world. Latin America, the southern neighbor of the great universal power. "

The Vanguardia of Cataluña It publishes a columnist of the journalist Andy Robinson, which expands the approach by affirming that" the victory of López Obrador in Mexico puts a brake on the fall of the left in Latin America ".

The British journalist points out that in this third attempt to achieve the Mexican presidency, López Obrador "won a historic triumph in Sunday's elections.It is the first victory of a candidate identified in the Latin American left in recent years, following a series of defeats of progressive governments in South America. "

warns that" the vote of AMLO "is against" endemic violence, "

and emphasizes that the winning candidate "has managed to put himself in the prevailing mood in a country where corruption has enriched a political elite by leaving half of the population trapped in poverty while the violence corrupts even the cultural bonds and social of the Mexican people. "

Similarly, he considers that this victory" will be very significant in the regional context, because it stops the political "change of cycle" in Latin America after s the fall of leftist governments in Brazil, Chile, Argentina and other countries, "and saves the words of Bolivian President Evo Mo Rales, who said that this triumph" opens a new chapter for the 39, history of the dignity of the Latin American people. "

In turn, the newspaper El Mundo highlighted the information with the title:" The leftist López Obrador wins the elections Mexico "and points out that this victory was obtained with more than 50% of the votes, according to the first data of the electorate.

The ABC newspaper called its information: "López Obrador wins the presidential elections in Mexico", and takes the affirmations of the winner who seeks a genuine democracy and eradicate corruption.

This monarchical newspaper included an article by Adrián Espallargas in which he states: "The riddle Andrés Manuel López Obrador: a Chavista or a moderate socialist?"

] On the other hand, the newspaper Razón titled: "López Obrador becomes the first president of the left of Mexican democracy", and in the body of information, he points out that "the PRI there sinks and loses much of the territorial power ", while the winner" sends a message of tranquility to the markets and promises to work for the poor. "

Among the digital media, points out that the victory of López Obrador for the first time to the left, to the presidency of Mexico.

El Confidencial, speaking of the triumph of the chief of Morena, emphasizes: "Vueltale on the left in the south of the United States". He states that "they did not even need the official results" to know the overwhelming triumph, and points out that "the strong satiety of the Mexicans with Peña Nieto and the traditional parties was precisely the essence that has allowed the victory of López Obrador. "

The German press also echoes the triumph of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whom he presents in many articles as the left-wing candidate who will break with the establishment, but who does not. do not wait for an easy task.

"The result of the election shook Mexico, if not the whole continent.In the second largest country of Latin America, stagnant and dominated by the elites, it won for the first time a anti-system candidate who has consciously declared war on the Mafia of power and wants to break with almost everything that has been Mexico so far.And for this he has more than half of the people behind him ", underlines the correspondent of the German weekly Der Spiegel, Klaus Ehringfeld, in an analysis of the election.

The public TV channel ARD calls him a "leftist nationalist" candidate and points to the historical result: "In the still young history of Mexican democracy no presidential candidate had obtained as many votes. "

And abounds on his profile:" López Obrador proposed to transform the country.In Mexico, corruption, poverty, violence and impunity dominate.Last year, some 29,000 people The country has cited and demands a transformation of its new president ".

Meanwhile, the German Coordination for Human Rights in Mexico urged the government led by Andrés Manuel López Obrador to implement concrete measures that culminate in the "catastrophic situation of human rights". Who are experienced in the country ".

In a statement on the triumph of the leader of Morena, the network – which brings together fifteen German organizations – considers that Mexico demands fundamental structural changes to combat corruption and impunity, and notes that the "government of the day" is not the only one. One of the main tasks of the new president The Mexican should be behind a truly independent and renewed Attorney General, and agree to the establishment of an international mechanism to fight against corruption.

Rejection of the status quo

In the United States, the most important media also highlighted the success of López Obrador, the left turn and the boredom of Mexicans.

"A victorious leftist in the Mexican vote", "Mexico turns left in the election", They are leading the most influential newspapers on the front page: The New York Times and The Washington Post, respectively

. Levisión, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC highlight Monday that the election of Morena's candidate as new president may even change bilateral relations with the United States because he is a politician of left.

"Leading a wave of angry populism and generated by rampant corruption and violence, leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador was elected President of Mexico on Sunday in a broad victory that overtook the political establishment and he gave a mandate to clean up and reform the country, "says the New York Times dispatch, which highlights an image of the president elected by the Mexicans.

" Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who addressed to voters in their battle denouncing against corruption and promises to the poor, won a resounding victory in the presidential election this Sunday, "says The Was Hington Post (TWP).

In the same tenor, the networks of television have highlighted in their information spaces the election of July 1 in Mexico.

"Many analysts compare it with President Trump, because López Obrador says that he will put Mexico's interests first, "says CNN Television

" López Obrador triumphed with a party that did not exist in the elections. "For the first time in decades, the victory of López Obrador puts Latin America's second-largest economy in charge of a left-wing leader who fills the hopes and fears of millions of Mexicans in the world." 39, the elite of the nation, "says the New York Times (NYT).

This American press states that the result of the Mexican elections represents" a clear rejection of the status quo "of Mexico, that the last quarter of a century has been defined by a centrist and globalized vision that many Mexicans The US media claim that there are many questions around what Lopez Obrador will do as president of Mexico, especially to fund so many social programs that he promised the Mexicans who supported him, without provoking

"How will the government clean up the bad actors while many of them were part of their campaign? ", s inte rroge the New York Times

. they put between question marks to the type of relationship that Lopez Obrador will have with the Trump government, taking into account attacks and criticism of the American president towards Mexico and the Mexicans.

"Congratulations to Andrés Manuel López Obrador who will be Mexico's next president, ready and willing to work with him, there is much to do to benefit the United States and Mexico," the US president wrote. on his personal account of the Twitter platform Sunday night.
Congratulations Trump The elected president of Mexico appeared long before the National Electoral Institute (INE) formalized the outcome of the presidential elections.

The US President's willingness to work with Lopez Obrador was immediately interpreted as a clear signal of Trump that he took for granted. The relationship with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has come to an end and any outstanding issues on the bilateral agenda, such as the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), will be postponed on the 1st of December the candidate of Morena assumes the power.

With the information of Irene Savio, Jesus Esquivel, Yetlaneci Alcaraz

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