The Japanese rocket crushes six seconds after take-off


A rocket developed by a Japanese company explodes a few seconds after takeoff on Saturday in northern Japan and ends up being consumed by the flames.

The MOMO-2 rocket, developed by Interstellar Technologies, is launched in the city of Taiki in Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan

TV footage showed that the 10-meter rocket was rising barely from his firing point before falling to the ground, disappearing into a fireball.

This caused injury. The president of Interstellar Technologies, Takahiro Inagawa, said that he believed that the rocket had failed in its main engine.

He apologized for the failure and said his team would collect the remains to analyze the problem and improve the rocket. ] The failure of Saturday was the second after the launch of the first rocket last July

The project was launched in 2005 by businessman Takafumi Horie, founder of the service provider Livedoor Internet, joined by science journalists and other Space Amateurs in order to develop a small, lightweight and inexpensive rocket to send information satellites in the space.

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