The Jeep leader, new global CEO of FCA Chrysler [Saltillo] – 07/22/2018


Saltillo, Coahuila.- Michael Manley took the reins of the FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobile), and will be proposed to the shareholders' meeting as the new CEO and World President.

By a statement FCA announced serious health complications of Sergio Marchionne, until today's CEO and global chairman of the company, so that the board of directors decided to appoint Michael Manley, as his successor to the In order to pursue the dynamics of the automotive business around the world.

"Regarding the health of Sergio Marchionne, Fiat Chrysler Automobile announces with deep sadness that, during this week, complications arose as our CEO and global president were recovering from the surgery and his health had deteriorated, worsened significantly in the last hours.

"As a result, Mr. Marchionne will not have the opportunity to return to work, so the board of directors The FCA, gathered today, expressed its closeness to Sergio Marchionne and his family and pointed to the extraordinary contribution, both human and professional that has given this company in those years. "

In response, the board of directors decided to speed up the CEO transition process that had taken place over the last few months and named Mike Manley as Chief of the Board. direction, and will propose at the next meeting of shareholders to be held days, to be elected as a member of the Board and serve as the new director of the company.

Michael Manley and his management team will pursue the implementation of the 2018-2022 Business Plan presented on June 1 of this year, a plan that will ensure a strong and independent future for the CFA


Michael Manley was Director of the Jeep brand from June 2009 to July 2018 and Director of Ram from October 2015 to July 2018.

Prior to assuming these duties, Manley was Chief Operating Officer for the APAC region was also the main executive of the group Chrysler for international activities where she was responsible for implementing cooperation agreements for the distribution of Chrysler Group products through the international network of Fiat distributors.

Previously, Michael Manley was Executive Vice President of International Sales and Product Planning Operations since December 2008. In this position, he was responsible for product planning and all sales activities at the company. outside of North America.

Manley joined Daimler Chrysler in 2000 as Network Development Manager at DaimlerChrysler in the UK, bringing with him extensive international trade experience at the dealership level.

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