The journalist and writer "The China Mendoza" is sent back


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At the age of 88, the writer María Luisa The China Mendoza, veteran of cultural journalism in the country, died early

The novelist and essayist, born in Guanajuato in 1930, has She was admitted to the Nutrition Hospital since Monday because "she was very weak, tired and had trouble breathing," according to her niece Viviana Mendoza. After studies that detected respiratory impairment, the writer was admitted to intensive care where she died Friday at 1am

The journalist, who was described by her friends and relatives as a person Cheerful and talkative, who loved cats and dogs, he devoted his life to telling stories through literature and journalism, profession that he exercised until his last days. Tuesday morning, in the hospital bed, he dictated his latest newspaper column to his niece Viviana, who was his assistant for the past five years. This text is published today in the journal Excelsior, where he collaborated.

"The last year I could not see well, I had problems in my eyes, I recorded it, she dictated her column and sent it" Gayosso Funeral Home by Felix Cuevas [[19659002] The remains of China will be cremated this afternoon and their ashes will rest in Guanajuato. The cultural and family authorities have not yet set a date for a tribute.

Throughout her career, the journalist has gone through several newspapers. The pages of this newspaper were no exception. In the 70s, he made reports for EL UNIVERSAL sent from the USSR, the country he loved to be the land of Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky. This work earned her a prize in 1974. Then, China, nickname that she received from her father when she was a child by the hair, wrote in this newspaper column A of the morning; She shared the space with pens like that of Cristina Pacheco

. In recent years, according to her niece, she had vision problems that prevented her from continuing to write. "He had the idea of ​​making a book, he was left with the desire," he said.

He added that when he was talking about death, the writer said that she did not want to die. "He always said," I'm not going to die, is not it, I do not want to die, I want to continue living, I have a lot of things to do. "Despite this, she remained strong and possessed that spirit that characterized her. "

Viviana Mendoza says her aunt's library will go to two institutions, as she states: a party at the University of Guanajuato Library, and another Probably, at the Museum of Writer René Avilés Fabila

The body of the writer and who was a PRI deputy during the administration of Miguel de la Madrid was veiled yesterday at the Funeral Home Gayosso de Félix Cuevas, by relatives, friends and cultural authorities

At about 6 pm, the Secretary of Culture, Maria Cristina García Cepeda arrived, who lamented the death of the storyteller and essayist. "Mexico loses an original writer, a woman who, with his word, has always been a box of resonances, surprises, a woman with great intelligence," she said

"It was a woman who was intensely living culture. "He is a woman to whom I must thank her for having given her friendship, I have had the opportunity to meet her and to have many conversations with it and Mexico owes him a lot, "he added.

She said that for all this she is a writer who deserves a tribute, but said that they will talk with the family. "Of course, we will pay tribute to her, she is a woman who deserves it, but we will organize it carefully," she said

accompanied by Lidia Camacho, director of INBA, and the INBA Literature Coordinator, Gene Beltrán Felix García Cepeda and Camacho Mounted a Guard with the Family

The writer David Martín del Campo, journalist Carlos Marín and Secretary of Health José Narro also attended the funeral.

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