The judge prevents the capture of La Volpe; he is protected by a definitive suspension


A federal judge prevented the detention of the former technical director of the Mexican National Team and the Guadalajara Club, Ricardo Antonio La Volpe Quarchoni because he has obtained a definitive suspension which prevents the settlement of arrest issued against him by the second chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the State of Jalisco

The warrant for arrest against La Volpe has its origin in the investigation which was opened by the complaint that he filed Alma Belén Coronado podiatrist of Chivas, who accused the former football player the crime of sexual harassment.

According to court records, the final stay was granted to Lavolpe on July 12. guarantee of 50 thousand pesos under the judgment of amparo 848/2018; likewise, will have to appear in court every three days

The fourth district court of Amparo in criminal matters with residence in Zapopan, granted the precautionary measure which prevents for the moment the detention of La Volpe by the elites of indecent assault and sexual harassment

The Second Chamber of the Supreme Court issued the arrest warrant in accordance with an amparo granted by a collegial tribunal to Belén Coronado ] which determined that yes there are elements to order the capture.

The Volpe promoted the claim for guarantees on July 3 and this was admitted a day later. 19659002] On 1 April 2014, Ricardo La Volpe was hired to lead the Chivas; 29 days after his presentation, Jorge Vergara owner of the football club, went to a press conference to announce the cessation of the Argentine helmsman, the reasons: "inappropriate behavior".

He reported that Belén Coronado had brought a lawsuit against Ricardo Antonio for sexual harassment in which he claimed that after being trained, the strategist had come to his office in a briefcase to make proposals, including ensuring

La Volpe denied the facts and said that she had visited the podiatrist, but only to ask her not to massage her players with arnica .

The former National Technical Director underwent a polygraph test which went off without a problem, although he initially refused to do so; unlike Bethlehem, who did it on its own but did not do it in an official institution has no validity

"I'm pissed off, boring, I think" but what am I doing here? "the test, and in response to the treatment received, he filed a contractual claim against the club, alleging that he had not been fired under the appropriate conditions.

MILENIO has published that the judicial proceedings continued in both cases, but it was finally early 2015, when the 63 year old Argentine retired and withdrew the charge against Chivas, the team l & # 39; 39, officially released so that he could continue to practice in another institution . 3 December of 2016 the Jalisco Procuratorate announced that a ordinance of Arrest against the Argentine strategist was sought for sexual harassment against Belén Coronado, for which The next day the helmsman opened a Twitter account where he defended himself against the accusations of the businessman, who assured that the case had to be resolved.

In December 2 016, La Volpe said the judiciary of Jalisco had declared him innocent because the seventh judge had determined that there was no crime to prosecute.


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