The key dates of Russiagate, the investigation into Russian interference in the US elections


On May 17, 2017 the former director of the FBI Robert Mueller was appointed special prosecutor to direct the investigation on alleged collusion between Donald Trump's campaign team and Russia to influence the outcome of the presidential election November 2016 More A year later, Mueller's team interviewed many witnesses, including senior officials of the White House and issued 22 indictments, but the investigation did not appear not be about to end.

] Here are some key dates from the survey:

May 17 : Mueller, 73, is appointed, with broad powers, to lead the war. a year-long investigation into the alleged collusion between Trump's campaign committee and Russia [1

His appointment comes eight days after Trump, frustrated by the investigation, dismissed the director FBI, James Comey

"This is the largest The witch hunt in the political history of the United States," alleged the president. [19659003] 14 June : The Washington Post reports that Mueller investigates Trump for possible obstruction of justice According to some versions, Trump supports Mueller's rejection, but counsel Donald McGahn convinces him that it would not be appropriate.

July 8 : The New York Times reveals that The research focuses on a meeting held in New York in June 2016 by the director of the Trump campaign, Paul Manafort the son of the then candidate, Donald Trump Jr and his son-in-law Jared Kushner with a Russian lawyer carrying documents likely to damage the image of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton .

July 26 ]: FBI agents attack the residence of Manafort, taking documents and electronic documents

July 27 : Arrested in George Papadopoulos Trump campaign team foreign policy advisor who contacted Russian officials accused of lying to the FBI in a January 2017 interview.

Oct. 30 : Manafort and the second of the campaign team, Rick Gates are accused of 12 counts of conspiracy Ukraine for a pro politician Russia years before the election of November 2016.

Papadopoulos was also in charge of money laundering, lying to investigators and other people related to his work. Pleads guilty of lying to the FBI during an inquiry into his contacts with members of the Kremlin

Dec. 1 : Trump's former advisor on national security Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to investigators. Flynn faces harsher charges and, like Papadopoulos, agrees to plead guilty to this crime in exchange for collaboration with Mueller.

February 16 : Mueller imputes thirteen Russians, including an important ally of Putin, linked to a Russian Internet research agency based in St. Petersburg who led a campaign online misinformation to influence Trump in the presidential election.

February 20 : Alex van der Zwaan A Dutch lawyer linked to Russia who worked in 2012 for Manafort and Gates, pleads guilty to lying to FBI and agrees to cooperate with the investigation. Two weeks later, he was sentenced to 30 days in prison and fined $ 20,000

February 22 : Manafort and Gates were charged with 32 other charges, including bank fraud. The next day, Gates accepts two of the charges: conspiracy and lies to the investigators

9 April : FBI opens the residence and offices in New York of Michael Cohen who was Trump's lawyer for years. Investigators are particularly interested in some payments that Cohen made to the porn actress Stormy Daniels on behalf of Trump.

19 April : Trump adds to the former mayor of New York Rudy Guiuliani to his legal team. He states that they are discussing whether the president will be interviewed by Mueller, but assures that Trump might refuse.

May 17 : On the first year of Mueller in charge of the investigation, Trump writes a tweet: "Congratulations USA, we now come to the second year of the biggest hunt to the witches of the history of this country … and it has not yet been shown that there was collusion or obstruction. "

8 June : Mueller introduces new charges of obstruction of justice against Manafort, and accuses for the first time Russian Konstantin Kilimnik an ex-linguist trained in the army with alleged links to Russian intelligence who was a close collaborator of Manfort. Both are accused of bribing witnesses

July 13 : Twelve Russian intelligence officers are indicted in the United States for hacking e-mails from the Democratic Party in 2016. The charges were worn three days before Trump meets Putin in Helsink i.


A few days before Trump's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, the US Department of Justice accuses the 12 Russian secret agents of a cyberattack against Hillary Clinton. interfering "with the presidential election

  The EU accuses 12 Russian agents of hacking the Clinton campaign to interfere in the elections   The EU accuses 12 Russian agents of hacking the campaign Clinton to interfere in the election


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