The last words of a thief before being killed by police


Guadalajara, Mexico. – While aiming with a pistol of 9 millimeters, a subject trying to r obar a truck in Providencia and who would be later shot Friday night, launched a threat to the police .

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"They will be worth …", was what the suspect said, just before receiving a bullet from an official of Tapatío .

He also reads: "She was floating, it was 5 minutes, I know she was already dead."

The events took place at the intersection of Toronto Streets and Victoria where the uniformed agents were on a surveillance tour

There they saw a man with his hands and two guys who were about to get into a truck Mercedes Benz, of recent model.

Citizen told them that they had stripped the vehicle, then the police sued the suspects.

A subject about 25 years ago shot at the officers and was dropped when they repelled the assault.

The other alleged accomplice attempted to escape on foot along Calle Victoria, but was arrested and police sources lined him up. identified as being Geovanni "N", 29.

In the scene, the pistol allegedly used by the man he who lost his life was insured, while the other subject was left at the disposal of a public prosecutor.

In this note:

  • Watch Tower
  • Threat of Offender

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