The latest data that raises the question of whether Luis Rey is Luis Miguel's father


The first season of Luis Miguel, the series ended, but the great unknowns of his life continue. In the midst of the agitation generated by Gato Grande's production, the theory that Luis Rey was the father of the famous Mexican nationalized singer resurfaced.

The statements of the first director of Luis Miguel became known, ] Ricardo Berbari who assured that Luis Rey himself confessed that he was not the singer's father.

  Luis Rey, Luis Miguel
Luis Rey, Luis Miguel

"[…] We went to dinner one evening with the father when we had no show, the boy [Luis Miguel] stayed at the hotel […] and after dinner he confessed that he was not the father of Luis Miguel.I can say, he told me , I swear in the Bible, he said "I am not the father of Luis Miguel", "Berbari said in the Argentine program Implacable .

" One thing must be deduced, he knows Marcela in Mar del Plata in November or December . Eva after going out with her and having a boyfriend, he goes with her to Puerto Rico, and the boy [Luis Miguel] was born in Puerto Rico between March and April, then he was cincomino. "

  Luis Miguel, Luis Rey, Marcella Basteri
Luis Miguel, Luis Rey, Marcella Basteri

In the midst of the uncertainty generated by these statements, a voice was also given to Miguel Rivero, ] who claimed to have had a relationship with Marcela Basteri when they both lived in Argentina, shortly before the Italian meets Louis Rey and "fled" with him.

According to his narration, Marcela and he kept a court at the end of the 60's, when he was 17 and she was 18: "She wanted to get married because she wanted to leave the house. said that the father would not let her do anything, I did not want to get married yet, I was very young […] The truth is that I wondered if the child could to be my son.The only way to know is if Luis Miguel decides to discover, "said the man in an interview with El Diario Sur.

In the same interview Miguel Rivero notes that Marcela decided to name his son Luis Miguel, just combining his name with that of Luis Rey.

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