The leading indicator records its largest decline in four months


The Leading Indicator accumulated four months down, although it is still above its long-term trend, setting at a value of 100.1 points in May figure which represents a decrease of by 0.12 point compared to the month of April, reported Tuesday the National Institute of Statistics and of geography ( Inegi ).

Since last February, the leading indicator has been "dragged" to the 100-point line, registering drops of 0.02 point in February, -0.05 in March, -0, 09 in April and 0.12 in May. [19659003] This indicator aims to indicate in advance the "twists" generated by the coincident indicator, which is responsible for the statement of the general condition in which is located. economy . integrate the leading indicator, five of them They showed a bearish variation compared to the previous month

The only component that did not show a decline was the indicator that assesses the type of bilateral real exchange between the United States and Mexico which reported a growth of 0.17 point over the previous month.

The rest of the components show a negative variation of their performances. The largest decline was reflected in the price and quotation index of the Mexican Stock Exchange down 0.14 point from April.

On the other hand, during the month of April, the indicator coincide was located below its long-term trend by recording a value of 99.9 points, which represented a positive change of 0.01 point compared to Three of the six components of the coincident indicator, which seek to reflect the general state of the economy, showed growth, although it is the first time since September 2017, that half of the indicators that make up the indicator show declines.

Those who showed the greatest upward variation were the total imports (0.6 point), the urban unemployment rate (0.3 point), and the income index for the supply of goods and services (0.2 point)

The economic analyst Jonathan Heath pointed out, during the previous reading of the cyclical indicators, that the upward phase of the Mexican economic cycle accumulated 107 consecutive months up in March, this is by far the longest phase of expansion since the data exist (since January 1980) .

"The plus point of the current phase of the economic cycle is that it is the longest phase that has existed and is the first sexennium to be n & # 39; to have not registered a recession, although the negative is that it is the slowest phase of expansion that has existed, "said the analyst. [ad_2]
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