The leaves hailed the damage and injuries in three states [Estados] – 29/07/2018


Mexico .- Heavy rain in Jalisco caused 40 injuries in addition to the damage; while in Michoacán they report 100 affected homes. In one area of ​​Tuxtla Gutiérrez, severe hail has been reported, but no damage has been reported; In another case, in Jalisco, a strong hail recorded in the municipality of Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos left a record of 40 wounded, due to the size of the bullets. of ice. Paramedic agents only determined light blows

. Elements of the Jalisco Civil Protection Unit highlighted by the Poncitlán Regional Command moved to check assignments in the municipality of Ixtlahuacán and support the wounded. with damaged roof, parking in the offices on the second floor and damage to computer equipment and puddling in a room. In addition, 30 vehicles were damaged. It is presumed that a minor of three years died because of the facts; however, the authorities' statement is expected in this respect.

In a second case, in Los Reyes, Michoacán, more than a hundred houses made of wood and cardboard were hit by intense hail.

Jaime Hernández, chief of Pamatácuaro Municipality, in the municipality of Los Reyes, reported that a strong storm had lasted over an hour and that, for about 15 minutes, ice balls of one centimeter in diameter had fallen

. After the phenomenon, the communal authorities received the report of damage in more than a hundred houses and immediately shelters were installed in schools and in the same headquarters of the tenure.

In addition, the report was received in the Zicuicho community, the roof of the basketball court collapsed as a result of the accumulation of hail.

The communal authorities also asked the state government to support them with blankets, mattresses and bullets of cardboard sheets for the reconstruction of the affected homes.

On the other hand, for today, the National Meteorological Service predicts heavy storms with isolated rains throughout the country.

In Chiapas, a salute in a part of Tuxtla Gutiérrez. The hailstones were almost the size of a marble. In another incident, a person died of lightning while she was on the Boulevard Belisario Domínguez, at the football field of the faculty of civil engineering of the Autonomous University of Chiapas UNACH [19659010]. fbAsyncInit = function () {
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