The length of the fingers could explain the sexual orientation, say the scientists


A scientific study found that if a woman had a ring finger and an index of a different size, she was at greater risk. bi o lesbian.

The team commanding the Dr. Tuesday Watts of the University of Essex (UK), he performed several tests on identical twins in which the brothers are heterosexual and other homosexuals. The results showed that homosexual twins have a greater difference between the length of their index finger and the ring fingers, mainly women.

"Because identical twins, who share 100% of their genes, may differ in their sexual orientation, factors other than genetics should explain these differences," Watts appointments Daily mail.

According to experts, this phenomenon occurs because of the exposure to male sex hormone of testosterone at the stage of gestation.

Women with high testosterone They are more likely to be bisexual or homosexual.

With information from RT Noticias.

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