The local court determines that it will be possible to vote without the elector's title in Guadalajara


The Regional Chamber of Guadalajara of the Electoral Tribunal of Jalisco has decided that citizens who do not have their voter's card or who have been removed from the nominal list may vote on Sunday, July 1st.

In a statement, the Superior Court of the entity reported that this decision had been taken after the citizens had denounced the refusal to issue their voting or exclusion title from the list nominal by the National Electoral Institute ).

Magistrates have determined that the loss or theft of the letter of claim are unpredictable facts that escape the will of citizenship, for which the INE has received the l […] order to issue a certified copy of the operative paragraphs of the sentence to the affected persons.

"(This) so that the day of the day accompanies them – resolved points – and an identification to the box that corresponds to vote, because the facts indicated do not imply any modification of the standard or the nominal list ", reads the document.

While in the case of exclusion of citizens from the nominal list, the Electoral Tribunal declared that the electoral authorities did not comply with the procedures established in the law to legally expel dissidents.

For this reason, the contested act was revoked and the issuance of a certified copy of the operative paragraphs of the judgment was ordered so that the persons concerned could vote at their present address.

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