The longest lunar eclipse of the century will be visible in Chile?


A new astronomical event will be produced on on July 27th. This is a lunar eclipse called "moon of the blood" which will be visible from various parts of the world and which, moreover, will be the longer astronomical phenomenon of century

The event is estimated at about an hour and 43 minutes surpassing the last lunar eclipse recorded last January, which lasted an hour and 16 minutes

Why the eclipses occur?

The astronomer of the University of Chile, José Maza explains that lunar eclipses are produced by l at the interferences of the Earth between the moon and the sun ]. "The sun illuminates the Earth, but at the bottom of it, there is a shadow cone a space that looks like a tube, where if one enters it, the Earth covers the the moon – in turn around the Earth – enters the cone for a moment, in this case, one hour and 43 minutes . "

Why is it longer than d & # 39; habit?

It is estimated that this eclipse is the longest of the century. In connection with the spread of the phenomenon, the national price for the exact sciences of 1999 noted that there are several factors that influence the event.

"The Earth's cone is ] like an ice cream cone where the wide part is the Earth and becomes thinner when it moves away from This one The cone is bigger, the closer it is to the Earth and the smaller it is The orbit of the moon means that – sometimes – it is at an approximate distance of 350 thousand kilometers from the Earth , and in others, 400 thousand kilometers. If the moon reaches 400 thousand kilometers, the shadow cone will be smaller and it will cross it faster, but if it is closer, he will cross it more slowly "explains Maza.

The University of Chile University adds that can also influence the speed at which the moon moves, as well as set in the shadow cone where the moon comes in.

"The moon can be put in the shadow cone but does not cut it exa in the middle . If we have a circle and we cross it in two, the crossing is longer but if we cross it between the center and the edge, the crossing is shorter (.. .) Maybe this eclipse will occur in the middle of the shadow cone, and will combine with the distance of the moon, and the speed that moves, so that the eclipse lasts longer for a long time that it normally lasts, "he details.

Why is it called" blood moon "?

The astronomer explains that the phenomenon has this name, because the moon acquires a slight reddish color . When the Earth enters the moon and the sun, "the sunlight, tangent to the Earth's atmosphere, blushes and deviates a little, penetrating the cone of the shadow . , the shadow cone is not a black shadow, but it contains red light and it comes from the Earth's atmosphere . "

This way, when "the moon when it's dark" in the sky, we see it as a coppery color. Looks like it was made of copper, with a reddish hue, but "to put it in color They called it, blood moon If anyone wants to see a blood moon, they will be disappointed, because looks very pale, but with a clear coppery color ", explained the academic.

L & # 39; will eclipse be visible in Chile?

Maza affirmed with emphasis that the lunar eclipse will unfortunately not be visible in Chile. "The eclipse begins between 15:00 and 15:30 when the moon is still well below the horizon, and ends at 17:13, when the moon is not out yet. that when the moon will rise, the eclipse will have passed. "

However, the last part of the event could be seen in the extreme south of Chile.

" Perhaps, in Punta Arenas will the sun be hidden today at 5:15 pm, and therefore, when the moon rises, it will have left the cone in shadow, but could see a dim light. They will arrive late at the end of the eclipse, in Santiago, on the other hand, we are late 3/4 hour, and north is worse, because the sun sets much earlier in the south than in the north, "says Maza.

On the other hand, the "Moon of Blood" can be seen without problems in Europe, Africa and the Middle East,

That's why they people who are in the various sites of the World Cup in Russia will be able to see the event in all its glory.Is there a way to track the event?

Finally, the astronomer pointed out that the only way to see the phenomenon of Chile, is p or Internet .

"Of course, they will broadcast it on many platforms or on television, but one will see it as the World Cup: in front of the TV ", he joked

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