The longest lunar eclipse of this century is approaching


You have an appointment on [27 juillet 2018] July 27, 2018 which will last 1 hour and 43 minutes although the full event will last up to 3 hours and 55 minutes. Mark it in your diary, digital or offline, it will be the longest lunar eclipse of this century.

The "Blood Moon" from July 2018 and the lunar eclipse will be more durable than any other event of this kind among the years 2001 and 2100. The moon was very near reaching the maximum eclipse that we will have the night of 27 to July 28, July 16, 2000, when the eclipse lasted 1 hour and 46.4 minutes.

Spain The lunar eclipse will begin at 17:14 and will end at 23:28; the height of the eclipse will be at 20:21

Thus, from the beginning to the end, the moon will take nearly four hours to cross the shadow of the Earth. "

A lunar eclipse occurs when the ] Sun, Earth, and Moon are directly aligned, and the orbit of the moon takes it directly into the shadow of the Earth. the eclipse, when the moon passes through the shadow projected by the Earth (what we call shadow), it will acquire an intense red or orange color instead of disappearing completely from view (d & rsquo; Where the nickname "moon" of blood "). This strange effect known as Rayleigh scattering filters the bands of green and violet light in the atmosphere during an eclipse.

The Rayleigh scattering is also responsible for the color of the sky, the orange sunsets and even the color of the blue eyes .. Once the eclipse is over, the moon will be visible again in all its glory. glory

Why is the lunar eclipse so long?

In July 2018, the full moon and the apogee lun area fall exactly the same way. dated July 27th. The lunar apogee is the orbital point farthest from the Earth, which makes it particularly small and far away.

It will be the smallest and the farthest from the full moon of the year, which means that the moon will take longer to cross the dark shadow of the Earth, making the Eclipse longer and give us more opportunities to capture the perfect snapshot of the lunar eclipse.

A few days after the longest eclipse of the Moon century, Mars will cross the Earth at its closest point to us since 2003. That's true; on July 31, the red planet will be only 57.6 million kilometers from Earth which will make it clearly visible to the naked eye.

Stargazers in the eastern hemisphere they will be able to easily see Mars and the blood moon on July 28th and 29th.

The eclipse will be visible from almost all Europe, Africa, Middle East and Central Asian countries.

Remember that, contrary to what happens with solar eclipses, lunar eclipses can be observed without protection, so the use of telescopes or binoculars is only recommended for those who wish to observe the event more closely and in detail.

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