The Los Angeles shooter is handed over, one of the hostages dies


  The Los Angeles shooter is released, the hostages are released

The shooter has left Trader Joe with his hands in the air (Photo: Special)


After nearly five hours Tense, the Los Angeles police managed to capture the active shooter who had barricaded himself in a Trader Joe's supermarket, which ended the incident that put the authorities on hold Saturday after- midday.

We managed to arrest the suspect without incident, "Los Angeles police said on Twitter

An active shooter entrenched in a supermarket, 20 hostages report to Los Angeles

After the arrest of Shooter, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcett I confirmed that a woman was killed inside the store. She was taken by the Trader Joe's Police Department and declared dead on the scene.

During the shooting, the suspect was wounded in the left arm, after exchanging shots with the police, Garcetti confirmed. phone with the police during the incident. According to the mayor, between 40 and 50 people were in the shop when he burst.

Police Chief Mike Lopez said the shooter was a young African-American aged about 28 years old.

According to López, it all began when the man attacked his grandmother and another woman in the Hollywood area with bullets, after which he escaped into a vehicle.

The car crashed on Hyperion Avenue and the man he resigned and entered the store not to be detained.

A large police mobilization was recorded in the region to try to free the hostages. Dozens of patrols, several helicopters and special tactical teams participated

The police chief regretted that the operation was not entirely successful because the death of one no one, apparently a local customer, has been registered.

With the Notimex Information


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