The magazine – News | The magazine of the peninsula, Mérida, Yucatán


  •   IMSS: prevent gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases water, soap and consistency-74593

• Hand hygiene reduces diarrhea by 50%, mainly in children
• Washing time do not exceed 60 seconds, just wet, soap, scrub, rinse and dry hands.

Handwashing is not only done before and after going to the bathroom, this practice should be practiced during the day, in activities that could jeopardize health, for example: after touching trash, animals or have visited a patient.

Hand hygiene with soap and water is a simple, economical and essential strategy that takes care of health. Effective hand washing helps reduce the risk of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as interrupting the transmission of viruses such as influenza.

According to the Coordinator of Prevention and Health Care of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Yucatan, Alonso Sansores Río, the hands are the vector of pathogen transmission either through contact between people or through contaminated objects. Washing hands with soap and water can reduce diarrhea by 50% in children and more than 30% by respiratory infections.

The specialist recommends washing hands regularly, especially at critical times, that is, after using the toilet and before eating or preparing a meal, it is an intervention key that saves lives.

It is important that the population become aware of the habit of washing their hands with soap and water; an action that will take less than 60 seconds and to do it properly, there are hand-washing techniques, however, the key is to wet, soap, scrub, rinse and dry hands. With clean hands, your health and that of others will be protected.

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