The man sets fire to a woman in Peru


LIMA, Peru.- A woman suffered burns in Peru after being victim of an attempted feminicide when she was sprayed with fuel by a man, a A case similar to the one that cost him his life Eyvi Ágreda started the month and outraged and dismayed the country, according to the authorities investigating this new act of violence.

Juana Mendoza, 31, was assaulted Friday night while she was selling food on a street near the square. of the traffic police. Before the heartrending cries she was helped and transferred to a local clinic, where the doctors considered her situation serious.

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The victim, 31, suffered severe burns and remains hospitalized at the Regional Teaching Hospital of Cajamarca, announced today the Ministry of Women and Human Rights. Vulnerable Populations (MIMP), pending transfer

The case recalls for his similarity with that of Eyvi Ágreda, 22 who died in early June after being hospitalized for more than a year. 39, a month. for serious burns caused by the aggression of Carlos Javier Hualpa, his feminicide, by spraying it with gasoline and by burning it in a public transport bus to Lima

Hualpa, which He was detained pending trial for nine months pending trial, he told authorities that he had acted despite the woman's refusal to have a relationship with him.

The Ombudsman's Office revealed a few weeks ago that last year and 19 arson attacks against women in Peru were recorded .

"In the first quarter of 2018, the number of femicides increased by 10% and the number of attempts across the country by 55%. last year, "tweeted the Ombudsman's office, which demanded that" urgent measures be taken in the face of the increase in violence against women. "

The Peruvian government created an emergency commission on June 8. Violence against women.This group, led by the President of the Council of Ministers, César Villanueva, has a 45-day period to develop an action plan and intervention guidelines, as well as the actual protection of the victim.] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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