The management of prostate cancer is adrift


Public Health. Civil society organizations require health authorities to ensure that all men with prostate tumors have the same access to quality treatment and care that meets Mexican official standards. 048 #EstoEsSerio

"S & # 39; supporting public health institutions to defeat prostate cancer could be more catastrophic than the disease itself. "Without forgetting or attempting to make alarmist judgments, this is the impression left by the testimonials and statements by medical specialists and representatives of civil society organizations fighting the disease every day.

Regardless of beliefs, religion, political or sexual preference, all men should check their prostate once a year after reaching quarantine. As in Mexico, the most common is that the prostate tumor is detected at an advanced stage (seven new cases out of ten), these patients will have little opportunities for survival.

The least complicated thing might be that all men undergo the DRE test and the prostate antigen, so that if it exists, the tumor can be detected in a timely manner, although the reality shows the opposite. It is estimated that between five and seven thousand Mexicans die each year in Mexico because of this malignancy; of these deaths, twenty-five percent never had symptoms.

In private practice, specialists in the management of these tumors have different tools to improve the survival and quality of life of their patients. In this regard, oncologist Samuel Rivera pointed out that hormone therapy, radiopharmaceuticals and new generation chemotherapy provide better results.

However, in public institutions, these opportunities are far from being available. In this sense, the Rivera oncologist commented that in each, the prostate cancer is managed differently, because not all hospitals have the same resources and even said that the approved drugs in each hospital could differ.

The panorama becomes more complicated when the patient has to find ways to cover the cost of treatment, in this sense, the urologist Hugo Manzanilla said that prostate cancer may represent an expense of less than sixty-five thousand pesos a year, even when the man has the right to public health.

As the man ages, the threat of developing this tumor or any other becomes more latent. Despite the fact that prostate cancer is the neoplasm that causes the most deaths in men, only December 15, 2017 was published in the Official Journal of the Federation Official Mexican Standard 048 which states the guidelines for the detection, diagnosis, treatment and epidemiological surveillance of benign growth of the prostate and prostate cancer.

Considering the existence of this document, the statements of specialists and the experience gained as Director of the Mexican Association for the Fight against Cancer (AMLCC), Mayra Galindo Leal urged every hospital, clinic and health center in the country implement NOM048 to reduce the risk of death and provide quality of life to patients.

"Today, we seek to socialize and implement the 048 standard so that it does not remain a dead letter and reduce annual deaths," said the director of the AMLCC .

This is serious. Between 2018 and 2030, the Mexican population over 50 will increase from 11.7 million Mexicans to 16.3, an increase that may further complicate the management of prostate cancer and others tumors, as much as the cost of diseases comes from up to 54% of the patient's pocket time.

Given the inadequacies and shortcomings of public policies for the control and treatment of prostate cancer, civil society organizations have set themselves the task of creating awareness campaigns to educate, guide and accompany specialist physicians. and the population is affected by this evil. For example, at the press conference, the AMLCC shared that in NOM048 there is a section addressed exclusively to the general practitioner, which breaks down the concepts and processes that they must manage for patient care .

On top of that, Leticia Aguiar, representative of the Alliance Against Prostate Cancer, mentioned that steps are being taken by civil society to spread the NOM048 between the medical community and patients. Among the efforts made, he highlighted the informative webinars, free digital educational resources accessible on the AMLCC website.

If you want to avoid having to wait for clinical analysis appointments, consult specialists and wait to get lucky to find the prescribed medications, preventive tests have indicated a significant help.

These diagnostic methods should be performed more quickly if men have difficulty urinating or if there are changes in the rate of urination; if there is difficulty in achieving an erection or if there is blood in the sperm or urine.

Where to go?

Mexican Society of Urology

The urologist is the specialist in the detection of abnormalities of the prostate


E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]

Phones: (0155) 9000-3385 ​​and

Mexican Society of Oncology

There are oncologists specializing in the treatment of prostate cancer


E-mail address: [email protected]

Tel: (0155) 5574-1454 and 5574-0706

Mexican Association Against Cancer

Orientation, Information and
accompaniment for patients


Email: [email protected]

Tel: (0155) 5574-0393, ext. 20


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