The manufacturing orders indicator drops in June: INEGI


CITY OF MEXICO, July 2, 2018. – The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) and the Bank of Mexico publish the Manufacturing Orders Indicator (IPM) corresponding to June 2018 The IPM incorporates variables similar to those of the PMI prepared by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) in the United States.

According to a statement from the Institute, the IPM is built with the results of the Monthly Business Opinion Survey (EMOE), which allows us to almost immediately after the end of the reference month, expectations and perception of business leaders on the behavior of the manufacturing sector in Mexico.

In June of this year, the MPI stood at 51.5 points with figures adjusted for seasonality. which implied a monthly drop of (-) 0.30 points. With this result, this indicator accumulates 106 consecutive months, exceeding the threshold of 50 points.

Inside, there were monthly offsets that were seasonally adjusted in components related to expected production, staff employed, opportunity in supplier input delivery, and inventory stocks. 39 inputs, while that corresponding to expected orders has increased.

With the original data, the IPM showed an annual decrease of (-) 0.8 points in the sixth month of 2018, when it was set at 51.9 points. During the month in question, annual decreases were observed in four of the five components that make up the MPI, while a sub-index increased

by groups of sub-sectors. economic activity, annual reductions were recorded in June of the current year. the figures without seasonal adjustment in five of the seven aggregates that make up the WPI, while the two remaining groups have advanced.

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