The Metrobús will have WiFi in its 7 lines


Connectivity continues to grow in public transportation in Mexico City. Now, a report from El Financiero confirms that the 7 Metrobús lines in the country's capital will have free WiFi connection for users.

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In the first step, the service will be available in 150 units spread throughout the network. It will have an ability to serve an average of 80 users and between 50 and 100 visits available for data in each route. This is still the first step because the coverage is planned.

The company that funded the 20 million euros to install Wi-Fi in the Metrobús network called Direct Bus and plan is currently only considering the connection to social networks, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, although other services requiring broadband like YouTube will be blocked.

CEO of Direct Bus, Guillermo Olivo He explained that the Direct Bus business model will be based on advertising. While users are connected to the service, some ads will be shown.

For the second stage, Direct Bus is considering an investment of 30 million pesos to connect another 150 Metrobús to its wireless network, in addition to installing the service in some cases.

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