The Mexican national team and Russian supporters will not vote, according to the INE


Mexico City – The players of the Mexican National Football Team, the technical team accompanying them, as well as the thousands of Mexicans who are found in Russia in the World Cup, will remain without voting next Sunday, July 1st.

At a conference in a workshop for journalists of the National Electoral Institute (INE) Electoral Advisor, Enrique Andrade and René Miranda, Director of the Federal Register of Voters, have recognized that all compatriots who are in Russia will not be able to vote.

They explained that for traveling Mexicans, they must be registered before they can appear on the Nominal List and that INE will send them the electoral package to an address abroad where the newsletter will arrive. [19659006] "The legal period that the law says to register since your demonstration to vote from abroad opens on September 1st and ends on March 31st, even if the law closes it before, the law speaks of December, the General Council took René Miranda

rejected the idea that there was no agreement between the Mexican Football Federation and the l '; INE. so that Mexican players can vote, even though Mexico has qualified for nearly two years, as they explained that no one was certain that it would be on the list

I did not know if I would go to the World Cup to register before March 31, I did not know if I was going to go there, and that 's it. applies to managers, staff and many citizens, they do not necessarily have the definition of travel before March 31. Arzo, but later, "said René Miranda [19659008] Therefore, the two INE officials, asked to review the voting pattern abroad and legislators should extend the period of requests for voting

. "We need to look for more flexible models, without such restrictive deadlines as it is a postal process where there is a deadline to register and you still do not have your definitions of when and where you are going to be I think it's there that you start complicating because remember that the vote is to send a ballot to an address that you have to check and deliver a document that says you'll be there, a lot of people who come to the hotel, also do not know where 95,000 votes of Mexicans abroad were received

In this context, the Unions reported that until thursday 95 953 votes of Mexicans abroad were received is double the number received in 2012 and tripled the votes of 2006.

F the National Electoral Institute reports that in the 2006 elections, the electoral authority received 33,111 votes by correspo ndance, of which 32 thousand 621 were valid, while in 2012, 40 thousand 962 votes of Mexicans and Mexicans residing abroad were received, of which 40 thousand 714 were valid.

Each Mexicans' vote abroad had a cost to the Mexican treasury of two thousand five hundred pesos.

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