The Mexican stock market opens; is heading to its best month since February 2015


The Mexican stock market gained in its first online operations with the behavior of other places, like its counterparts in New York due to a lower risk aversion, while there was about to record its best monthly performance in June since February 2015. 19659002] The results of the month are explained by a wave of buying opportunities with low prices of several shares , after a sharp decline in May amid the uncertainty generated by the future of NAFTA. For the quarter, the Mexican market is up about 2.5%.

Later on Friday, the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) operated with a slight decline of 0.29% or 143.14 points to place its S & P / index. BMV CPI in 47,176.29 units

The stock market exploits a volume of 22.8 million shares, for an economic amount of 170.9 million pesos. 59 stations participate, 37 rise, 18 descend and four remain unchanged

According to Ve por Más (Bx +), in spite of the report that the president of the United States, Donald Trump, had made known to his advisers the We believe that the US stock market will be positively influenced by the news that the big banks have passed the second test of resistance from the Fed, which would lead to increase dividends. 19659006]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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