The migration crisis confronts the leaders of the European Union


European leaders in Brussels yesterday; they talk about migration. Photo: AP

Three years after the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since the Second World War and despite the drastic reduction of migrant arrivals, the problem of immigration confronts Europeans again, despite their desire to give , united, a new momentum to the bloc, facing the departure of the United Kingdom, in March

Italy yesterday blocked the conclusions of a crucial European summit for the future of the bloc, in the hope of obtaining satisfaction for his request for more solidarity from his European partners in the reception of migrants.

"Nothing was agreed until everything was agreed. [El primer ministro italiano Giuseppe] Tale reserved the possibility of being able to pronounce on it", explains an Italian government source

The leaders of the European Council, Donald Tusk, and the Community Executive, Jean-Claude Juncker, have even canceled their traditional press conference to report on the results of the first working session and postponed it until Friday, at the end of the second day of the summit.

"Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed upon Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has reserved the right to pronounce on this subject.

Government of Italy [19659008] Through the intermediary of a spokesman

Conte, whose populist government has closed its ports in recent weeks to ships such as Lifeline or Aquarius, with migrants rescued at sea, had already threatened to veto the joint declaration if he did not obtain "concrete facts" from his partners in his claims, such as the distribution of migrants

which the Italians blocked the first package of commercial conclusions, "there was a very lively discussion and everyone was at the top of the Italian."

Germany is also facing the political crisis related to migration in a Europe of rising populist movements Angela Merkel facing the threat of his Minister of the Interior, to unilaterally prevent the entry of asylum seekers from other EU countries.

"Europe has many challenges, but the one related to the migration issue could decide the destination of the European Union," said yesterday the Minister of Foreign Affairs, under the pressure of its partners of the political coalition

The key remains the Dublin Regulation, which states that the European country where a migrant takes his first steps is the person in charge of managing your application for international protection. European countries have not been able to carry out their reform for more than two years.

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