The Minister and Deputy Minister of Paraguay are dead when the plane crashed


The Minister and Deputy Minister of Paraguay died when the plane crashed

The Minister of Agriculture and the Paraguayan Deputy Minister of Livestock have were killed during a crash of a small plane. rescuers

In the plane, which crashed about 8 km from the airport of Ayolas, on the border with Argentina, traveled the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Luis Gneiting; Deputy Minister of Livestock Vicente Ramírez; the official Luis Charotti and the pilot Gerardo López

"There are no survivors," said Roque González, member of the Special Unit for Search and Rescue (SAR) in statements to AFP

"The plane fell" The plane is completely disintegrated, submerged in a mirror of water, "said the minister of the National Emergency Secretariat (SEN), Joaquín Roa, at a press conference

Roa said that the heavy machinery was destined to the place to recover the wreckage of the aircraft.

The rescue of body was delayed because the plane fell into an inhospitable place, a stellar with a lot of water in the vicinity, explained Deputy Police Commander, Commissioner Gustavo Báez.

However, the good weather eased Thursday the rescue of the remains, which were given to their families in Asunc Ion in the afternoon

Tasks were led by the rescue staff of the Volunteer Fire Department of Paraguay and the bodies transferred by helicopter to Ayolas Airport. From there, they were transported to the capital of Paraguay in an air force plane.

The search for the plane crashed 14 hours since the complaint of his disappearance Wednesday night, said the rescuer González to AFP. He revealed that the cockpit of the aircraft was partially submerged at about one meter from the surface.


The plane "could have had a fault in one of its engines," said the pilot Lino Paniagua. Ministry of Agriculture

According to the rescuers, when the plane departed for Asunción, it had already darkened, the sky was covered with drizzle and low temperature.

The airport security camera recorded the first three minutes of flight until the ship made an unusual turn; The national emergency minister thanked the support of a Misiones Argentine government helicopter for the rescue.

Ayolas is a neighbor of Ituizangó (Argentina). Between the two localities, on the bordering river Paraná, is erected the hydroelectric dam of Yacyretá, shared between the two countries.

Cards confidence man

The confidant of President Horacio Cartes, the late Minister of Agriculture was pre-mandated Vice President of Paraguay in the presidential primaries of the Colorado party of December 2017, in the formula headed by Santiago Peña.

In the elections were defeated by the formula composed by Mario Abdo Benítez and Hugo Velázquez, winner in the presidential elections of April 22nd. Abdo Benítez will assume the presidency on August 15th.

Before embarking on the presidential campaign, Gneiting was governor of the department of Itapúá, neighbor of the Argentine province of Misiones. Prior to the accident, he had visited his convalescent mother, whose death had also occurred, coincidentally, early this Thursday from a terminal illness.

The government declared official mourning for three days. and the chambers of Senators and Deputies held their regular session on the date after honoring the victims.

The remains of the deceased officials will be veiled this Friday at the seat of the Congress.


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