The Minister is found dead in a hotel


SANTIAGO TUXTLA, Ver.- Yesterday morning in room 203 of the hotel Gran Plaza Santiago, in Santiago Tuxtla, was found dead who served as regional commander of the ministerial police in Cosamaloapan, Frank Munguía Sánchez. The corpse had a bullet impact on the chest

Initial investigations indicate that the commander entered the hotel on Friday evening with a woman and around six hours of the morning. Yesterday morning, they discovered the body.

Those present at the scene told the police that they had not heard a gunshot and that they saw the woman leaving the place in the morning. they did not notice any suspicious situation, since apparently he commented that he was still in the fourth Frank.

The police and the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor carried out rigorous diligence instead of the facts until 10 am. The corpse was removed and taken to Semefo, while the corresponding investigation file began to inform on the cell phone.

Frank Munguía Sánchez had more than 20 years of work in ministerial police. first regional commander at Cosamaloapan and Coatzacoalcos

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