The Minister of the Interior of Germany wants to resign [Internacional] – 07/02/2018


Munich.- German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on Sunday announced his intention to resign due to the conflict over migrants with Chancellor Angela Merkel, planning doubt on the issue. future of the coalition government.

Seehofer, 68, has expressed his intention to resign at an in camera meeting of his political party, CSU, in Munich, which continued Sunday night, sources said. of training.

He also expects leaving the party presidency, a member of the fragile coalition of the German government, formed by the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of Merkel and the Social Democrats

Seehofer "wants to resign from his position as minister and chairman of the party "because he believes that he does not have the necessary support," said one of these sources.

However, some personalities within the CSU are still trying to convince him to back down in his decision to resign before he's talking to the press later, said these sources.

In the event that the resignation takes effect, it is still uncertain what will be the consequences for the future of the German government.

The minister will leave the coalition government, which would deprive the Chancellor of the majority of MPs and plunge the country into a major political crisis.

The UCC has been pressuring Merkel for several weeks to accept his plan to reject the border to asylum seekers who are already registered in other countries or to reach European agreements that have the same effect.

This Sunday, July 1st, the deadline has been respected.

Angela Merkel opposes discharges into the border, considering that it could create a "domino effect" in Europe.

The head of the German government obtained the almost unanimous support of the governing bodies of his party, the CDU

in a motion on Sunday rejecting any "unilateral" national decision to reject migrants and supported the Chancellor's efforts to negotiate European solutions on asylum policy.

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