The Ministry of Health has 1 100 million pesos to treat hepatitis C


Chilpancingo.- The Ministry of Health (Ssa) has a budget of one thousand 100 million pesos, from the fund to protect against the catastrophic expenses of the popular insurance, to assist annually 6 thousand 417 people with Hepatitis C, informed his owner José Narro Robles

The federal official mentioned that the coverage of patient care, from 0 to 65 years, for all degrees of fibrosis from 0 to 4, as well as the 39, incorporation of better treatments, has been extended. [19659002] He noted that care includes all levels of fibrosis that, in addition to modern antivirals, allow the recovery of more than 95% of patients.

Dr. Narro Robles recalled that before, only average survival was reached. 54% to 63%, in addition to the fact that in 2017, the Seguro Popular only attended patients aged 20 to 50 years with grade 0, 1 and 2 fibrosis.

Now, has he says, the situation has changed treatments, thus avoiding the deterioration of health and future expenses related to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.

"Hepatitis C is a disease that leaves economic disasters to families," he said at the inauguration. Governor Héctor Astudillo Flores of the breastfeeding unit of the Alameda pediatric unit of this capital

There, Narro Robles acknowledged that the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto has an ally in the Governor Hector Astudillo Flores In 1965, the PRI chief thanked "the Candelaria Association, Elba Beatriz and AC Glora, for donating this space to protect and promote breastfeeding among women attending this midwifery unit. . "

" The governor of the state greets with great emotion this important work, so practical for the families of Guerrero, "he said. [ad_2]
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