The model who undressed at the Western Wall increased the setting | Chronic


Marisa Papen a 26-year-old Belgian model, provoked a scandal by taking nude photos at the Western Wall and posting the images on her personal website and on her Facebook

"The Wall "shame," titled "snapshots," has sparked worldwide outrage, especially in the Jewish community.

The Rabbi in charge of the Wailing Wall, Shmuel Rabinowitz describes Papen's act of "embarrassing, serious and sad" because "undermines the character sacred place and the feelings of those who visit it ". 19659002] As if her provocation had not been enough, the model put on line a new photo with another controversial text. "I'm intrigued by people who believe that a God who created our bodies (yes, including our breasts and our private parts) might think that bare skin is an offense, so explain to me. " God created us our bodies were offensive or bad? " he asked. " Please, make the effort to think beyond the book " he concluded, referring to the sacred books

Last year, Papen remained one day detained in Egypt after posing in the same way in front of the Karnak Temple, according to Israeli media.

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