The moons of the 2018 auditorium, here is how the red carpet lived


Great personalities of music and television gathered tonight for the 17th edition of Lunas del Auditorio Nacional, which rewards the most outstanding artists who have given the best live show.

The first to reach the red carpet on the steps of Colossus of the Reformation was the group Train to Mars, the actor Salvador Zerboni with a beautiful girl, Emir Pavón, accompanied by his new girlfriend and the group El Arrón de Arrolladora, Los Socios del Ritmo and La Internacional Sonora Santanera

Among the stars of the television that made a splash among the fans who filled the barriers, we find Miss Laura Bozzo, the superb Michelle Vieth, Mariana Seoane, the beautiful Esmeralda Pimentel, Sara Corrales, Géraldine Bazán, Edith Márquez and Fey, These last two entertained the ceremony with Tacvba coffee

Among the gentlemen who took compliments was the Cuban Lenny de la Rosa, Paco de Lucia, Salvador Zerboni, Yubeilli and Mane de la Parra, who wore their best outfits for the highest award given by the National Auditorium.

Who was very happy was the actress Patricia Reyes Spídola Because of the special recognition that he will receive for his long career of 43 years in film and television.

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