The musician Rarámuri will exhibit his art at the piano at UTEP


Being a concert pianist is not an easy race, especially if she is from the Chihuahua Mountains, and belongs to the Tarahumara (Rarámuri) ethnic group, but Romeyno Gutiérrez Luna decided to take this track, and July 26 will be presented with his father to offer a recital with traditional music from his community.

The rendezvous is at UTEP's Fox Fine Recital Hall, located at 500 West University Avenue, where Juan and Romeyno Gutiérrez will offer the best of their "Romeyno is a virtuoso of music, and by that He shared his culture with Rarámuris and his own creations, "said Mexican Consul Marco Bucio. , about the presentation of the musicians of Tarahumara, in support of Mexican talent.

This event will indeed be the first time that the musical talents of the father and son are presented on a stage, and will be the city of El Paso, the place of such a cultural event.

"My father was a very successful runner, and now he was tall (at age 25) he decided to learn to play the violin in the festivities of our community. he will accompany me in a recital, "Romeyno told the newspaper El Paso.

The musical history of Gutiérrez goes hand in hand with American pianist Romayne Wheeler, who visited Juan Batopilas, Chihuahua. and after establishing an intimate friendship the Tarahumara promised to baptize with the name of his friend his firstborn, hence the name of Romayno.

Wheeler not only changed his residence to the Chihuahuan Mountains, but he sponsored Romayno in his musical studies, with which the young Rarámuri is now recognized around the world as the first concert pianist of indigenous origin .

"Now I live in the city of Chihuahua, because I go to the university for Inar my studies of Bach in music, but still remembering the traditional richness of music in my community", said Romeyno.

Although Wheeler presented at Romeyno the works of Mozart, Chopin and Schubert, pianist Tarahumara will present on Mondays disc "Danzas Raramuris al Piano", at the chamber theater Fernando Saavedra, before his presentation at El Paso.

Musician of the Ear

According to Romeyno, his father Juan Gutiérrez did not take any music lessons, he learned everything in the ear, and in fact he made the violin with which he participated in the rituals of his community

. "He listened to other musicians and that's how the violinist of the community became, that's why it's going to be the first time he's accompanying me, it's something we've never done before, "he said. easy to notice, the musical compositions of father and son differ a lot when programming a concert, since Juan does not know how to read the scores as does his son Romeyno, hence the challenge to occur together on a growing scene

. Of course, I know the traditional music of my community, and I play it, but this time I will have to follow my father and not him, "said the pianist.

On the content of the show, Romeyno assured that it will be a great pleasure for those who already have He listened in previous occasions, being the last one last November.

"In some way is the union of two cultures, by means of the piano and of the violin, and although at first we did not know how it was going to be heard, we are sure the people who accompany us will like this experience, "he said.

Although the plays that Juan and Romeyno will interpret no specific name, the spirituality of each piece will be a point of union with the feeling of the community Rarámuri and the spectators

"All these pieces have a ritual meaning, since d & # 39; First the music is played in each group when for example a Nimal is sacrificed, and you have to touch to ask the creator's permission when you're going to do that's why, most of the musical pieces are dedicated to animals that populate the mountains, like rabbit dancing, squirrel and the deer among others

". Of some everything is symbolic, it is a link with spirituality, and to give a better sound quality, my father will use a violin different from the traditional, "said Gutiérrez.

The recital for piano and violin of Juan and Romeyno Gutiérrez it will be seasoned with explanations of the musicians before and after the performance of each of the pieces that they have in their repertoire, while the photo exhibition "Raíces Raramuri" will also be presented by the photographer of Chihuahua Heber A. Nickolath.

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